A Beginner's Guide to Polygon (MATIC)

20 Aug 2023


Have you ever come across the term "Polygon (MATIC)" in your online journeys, social media scrolls, or casual chats with friends? If you're new to the concept and finding yourself curious, you might be asking, What exactly is Polygon(MATIC)? And, more importantly, how does it fit into the emerging landscape of Web3? –Rest assured, I'm here to provide you with clear and beginner-friendly explanations for all these inquiries.


Imagine blockchain as a digital ledger—a secure, unchangeable record of transactions and data. Now, think of Polygon(MATIC) as an exciting enhancement to this blockchain concept. It's like a solution that takes the already impressive idea of blockchain and makes it even better. But why is Polygon generating so much buzz? Well, think of it as the next big thing after Ethereum, which is one of the most well-known blockchains. Polygon adds new layers of efficiency, speed, and cost-effectiveness to blockchain technology. It's like giving blockchain a turbo boost, allowing it to handle more transactions faster and with fewer expenses. If you're new to the world of blockchain, understanding Polygon can be like having a key to unlock a whole new realm of possibilities. It's like finding the right path in a complex maze. By grasping the concept of Polygon, you'll be equipped to navigate the blockchain world with ease, even if you're just starting out. So, grab your favorite drink, get comfy, and let's explore how Polygon is shaping the future of web3—the exciting evolution of the internet!

What is Blockchain?

Before we jump into exploring Polygon(MATIC), let's take a moment to grasp the basics of blockchain. Think of this as understanding the rules of a game before we can talk about the players and their strategies. Just as you wouldn't discuss baking a cake without knowing the key ingredients, learning about blockchain sets the stage for us to understand why Polygon is important.
A blockchain is a distributed ledger technology (DLT) that allows for secure, transparent, and tamper-proof record-keeping. It is a system of recording information in a way that makes it difficult or impossible to change, hack, or cheat the system.
Imagine a giant spreadsheet that is shared by everyone in the world. This spreadsheet contains a record of all of the transactions that have ever taken place. Every time someone makes a new transaction, it is added to the spreadsheet, and everyone's copy of the spreadsheet is updated. This means that everyone always has the most up-to-date information about all of the transactions that have ever taken place.
This spreadsheet is called a blockchain. It is called a blockchain because the transactions are stored in blocks, and these blocks are linked together in a chain. This makes it very difficult to change or hack the blockchain because if you change one block, you would have to change all of the blocks that come after it.

A brief history of Polygon

In 2017, four software engineers from Mumbai named Jaynti Kanani, Sandeep Nailwal, Anurag Arjun, and Mihailo Bjelic started the Matic Network. Then, in February 2021, the project changed its name to Polygon Technology. In December 2021, Polygon bought another blockchain network called Mir using 250 million MATIC tokens, which were worth about $400 million back then. This move was meant to make transactions faster and cheaper by using something called ZK-rollups, while also keeping things safe.

What is Polygon(MATIC)?

Polygon, previously known as Matic Network, stands as a blockchain platform with a mission to establish a multi-chain blockchain ecosystem that seamlessly aligns with Ethereum. It adopts a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism, similar to Ethereum, for processing transactions on its blockchain. Serving as a scaling solution, Polygon introduces an array of tools to enhance transaction speed, decrease costs, and simplify the complexities associated with blockchain transactions. As a "layer two" or "sidechain" scaling solution, Polygon operates alongside the Ethereum blockchain, enabling rapid transactions and economical fees. The native cryptocurrency of the network, MATIC, plays a pivotal role in covering fees, facilitating staking, and more.

Core features and benefits of Polygon

The blockchain ecosystem, prior to the emergence of Polygon struggles to meet the demands of decentralized applications (DApps) due to slow transactions, high fees, low scalability, and poor user experience. The Matic Network aims to solve these issues with innovative solutions.
The network ensures low transaction fees through efficient mechanisms. Polygon also prioritizes user experience with integration tools and protocols, aiming to make DApps as user-friendly as centralized apps.

Here are some of the core features and benefits of Polygon:

  • Scalability: Polygon can process thousands of transactions per second, which is much faster than Ethereum's mainnet. This makes it ideal for applications that require high throughput, such as gaming and DeFi.
  • Security: Polygon is secured by Ethereum's proof-of-stake consensus mechanism, which is one of the most secure in the blockchain industry. This ensures that Polygon is resistant to attacks and that users' funds are safe.
  • Usability: Polygon is easy to use for both developers and users. Developers can easily build dApps on Polygon using Ethereum's familiar development tools and languages. Users can also interact with dApps on Polygon without having to worry about the complexity of Ethereum's mainnet.
  • Low fees: Polygon's transaction fees are much lower than Ethereum's mainnet fees. This makes it more affordable for users to interact with dApps on Polygon.
  • Faster transactions: Polygon's transactions are processed much faster than Ethereum's mainnet transactions. This makes it more responsive for users.

Use Cases and Applications of Polygon:

  1. Enhanced Decentralized Applications (dApps): Polygon provides an adaptable platform for crafting decentralized applications. Developers can construct and launch dApps on the Polygon network to capitalize on its swifter transaction processing and reduced gas fees compared to the Ethereum mainnet.
  2. DeFi Ecosystem: Polygon serves as a focal point for numerous DeFi protocols and platforms. Users can access decentralized exchanges (DEXs), lending and borrowing platforms, yield farming and liquidity provisioning with notably diminished transaction fees. Well-known DeFi projects like Aave, Curve Finance, and SushiSwap have chosen Polygon as their home.
  3. Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs): The NFT community and creators have embraced Polygon because of its economical and quicker transaction capabilities. Artists and collectors can create, trade, and exhibit NFTs without the exorbitant gas fees linked to Ethereum.
  4. Gaming: Polygon is increasingly employed as the foundational blockchain infrastructure for blockchain-based games. It delivers a more seamless and cost-effective gaming experience, enabling ownership of in-game assets and secure transactions.
  5. Interoperability across Blockchains: Polygon strives to serve as a bridge between diverse blockchains. It facilitates seamless interoperability by connecting Ethereum and other blockchain networks, enabling assets and data to flow smoothly across multiple platforms.
  6. Foundational DeFi Components: Developers can harness Polygon to construct core infrastructure components for DeFi, such as decentralized oracles, liquidity pools, and yield aggregators. This bolsters the overall efficiency of the DeFi ecosystem.
  7. Governance and DAOs: Polygon supports the creation and management of decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs). These DAOs have the power to oversee protocols, allocate resources, and make decisions on the Polygon network, fostering a more decentralized and community-driven ecosystem.

What You Need to Get Started with Polygon (MATIC)

To get started with Polygon, you will need the following:

Computer and Internet Connection
The first thing you will need to get started with Polygon is a computer with an internet connection. You can use any type of computer, including a desktop, laptop, or mobile device. As long as it has an internet connection, you will be able to access the Polygon network.
Cryptocurrency Wallet
A cryptocurrency wallet is a software program that allows you to store, send, and receive cryptocurrencies. There are many different cryptocurrency wallets available, and some of them support Polygon. Some popular wallets that support Polygon include:

MATIC Tokens
MATIC is the native cryptocurrency of the Polygon network. You will need some MATIC tokens to pay for transactions on the Polygon network. You can buy MATIC tokens on many different cryptocurrency exchanges, including:

  • Binance is one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world. It offers a wide variety of cryptocurrencies, including Polygon.
  • Coinbase is another popular cryptocurrency exchange. It is known for its user-friendly interface and its high liquidity.

Where to Get Testnet Tokens
If you want to test out Polygon before you commit any real money, you can get testnet tokens. Testnet tokens are free tokens that are used on the Polygon testnet. You can get testnet tokens from the Polygon website.

The Future of Polygon: A Layer 2 Solution with a Bright Future:

There are a number of reasons to be bullish on the future of Polygon. First, the platform is constantly being improved and upgraded. In recent months, Polygon has launched and also working on a number of new features, such as Polygon PoS, Polygon zkEVM, Polygon Supernets, Polygon Miden, and Polygon ID. These features will make Polygon even more scalable, secure, and user-friendly.
Secondly, Polygon is attracting a growing number of dApps. As of August 2022, there are over 7,000 dApps built on Polygon, including Aave V3, Quickswap, and 1inch Network. This number is expected to continue to grow in the coming years as more developers adopt Polygon.
Thirdly, Polygon is backed by a strong team of developers and investors. Polygon is also backed by a number of prominent venture capital firms, such as Sequoia Capital.
Given these factors, it seems likely that Polygon will continue to grow in popularity in the years to come. The platform has the potential to become the dominant Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum, and it could play a major role in the future of decentralized applications.

The future of Polygon is bright. The platform has the potential to revolutionize the way we use blockchain technology. It will be interesting to see how Polygon evolves in the years to come.
The possibilities are endless, and it will be exciting to see how Polygon shapes the future of blockchain technology.


In conclusion, Polygon has emerged as a transformative force within blockchain technology and the evolving landscape of web3. With its innovative solutions, Polygon addresses the challenges of scalability, high fees, and slow transactions that have hindered the widespread adoption of blockchain-based applications. Its seamless integration with Ethereum and the numerous benefits it brings to the table have positioned Polygon as a driving force behind the advancement of decentralized applications.
As we've explored, Polygon's journey from its beginning as the Matic Network to its current status as a multi-chain blockchain ecosystem is a testament to the dedication and innovation of its founders and development team. The platform's commitment to enhancing user experience, facilitating rapid transactions, and lowering costs sets it apart as a frontrunner in the pursuit of a decentralized future.
The adoption of Polygon by numerous developers and the expansion of its use cases, from decentralized finance to gaming and beyond, solidify its importance in shaping the next era of the internet.
If you're fascinated by the possibilities that Polygon offers, rest assured that this is just the beginning of our exploration. We'll be delving deeper into various aspects of Polygon in upcoming articles. If you're eager to learn more about Polygon, its applications, and its potential impact on the web3 landscape, I encourage you to stay tuned. Join the Polygon community and participate in discussions to learn more about this exciting technology:



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