Single Guide 2 Approved AirDrop Sahara AI - Calimero Network

5 Apr 2024

Single Guide 2 Approved AirDrop

Don't miss the #Airdrop event of two separate projects with one $ 8.5m and the other with $ 6m! πŸš€

Cost: 0 $ πŸ’Έ
Earnings: +$ 500-1.000

With our guide, take your place quickly for these two AirDrops, one approved and the other with high potential!

πŸ“ Airdrop transactions

1 - @SaharaLabsAI

There is a Waitlist for this project with an investment of 6,000,000 dollars in total. We will quickly take our place by registering for Waitlist, then very simple Galxe tasks. βœ…

β†’ directly go to

β†’ Register by entering information such as e-mail, taking care that your e-mail is the same as Galxe.

β†’ Then go to and connect your wallet.

β†’ Complete the simple tasks on Galxe. (Waitlist mission may take up to 2 days to approve.)

β†’ Quiz Answers: B, C, C, B

2 - @CalimeroNetwork

This project has a total of $ 8,500,000 investment and they have just launched a new Galxe mission. We take our place early by doing very simple social tasks.

β†’ quick

β†’ Connect your wallet, then complete social tasks.

β†’ Share with us in the comments by getting your invitation link. Please let everyone help each other. πŸ™

βœ”οΈ Procedures are all that and quite simple. Do not skip the #Airdrop opportunities of these projects with good investments. Do not skip all these operations that do not require cost and don't forget to be involved in all of them! The tasks have just begun, we're quite early.

πŸ“ We will continue to update you with new methods on the subject and offer guides.

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