Nightmares in dreams

5 Mar 2023

Shattered glass reveals each dream.
Broken lie you can't mend
On a twisted heart, a wish
Diamond lie that was shattered
Truth in pieces, like shards of glass.
A dream that failed but nevertheless happened
Raindrops were seen in the sky.
a hidden reminder of your suffering
a silver thread lying on the surface.
of abandoned hopes that were unreachable
A web of deception and lies
Twisted at every setback
bound by flame-fueled hatred
Brightening and shifting the blame
tears of blood that flow through
proving everything that was false
A dream that turned erratically
A lie you bend from to the truth
icy contempt from above
Return to the silence that was broken by love

A heartfelt wish that had been dreaming
Every lie tears it apart.
Droplets of tears flow from each eye.
A wish that manifested as a lie
hopes that collapsed to the ground
There were lies behind a door.
A sleeping eye that was invisible
reliving everything as it might have been
A yearly wish to see it sell
Your closely-guarded secrets
hidden from view but open to all
Each lie, truth, dream, and wish are what they are
A nightmare made them turn around.
Battle losses cause memories to fade
Moreover, dreams and hopes are sold.
A deception created by the day is a reality that has been reversed.
from a truth they weren't aware of
Take caution, as you will soon see.

Because it's dangerous to keep secrets and dreams
They steal your dream, twist it, shatter your memories on the ground, whisk you away with a single scream, then they return your distorted dream to you.
But when they do, I tell them this.
What you sell is your dream in return for a nightmare.

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