How Can You Gain People's Trust?

9 Jan 2024

How Can You Gain People's Trust?

One of the most important things in establishing trust is transparency. Since this word is used so frequently, it has actually lost some meaning. Of course, everyone wants to be trusted. Companies want you to trust them. Colleagues also want to trust each other and be trusted.

In many ways, trust is the glue that holds society together; Thanks to it, our relationships with each other will be smoother. We carry out buying and selling transactions over the Internet; This relationship is built on trust. We also allow strangers to stay in a room in our homes through car sharing services organized over the internet, or through institutions such as Airbnb. We provide our personal information to companies and trust that they will keep it. We believe that our colleagues will do their jobs to the best of their ability.

In short, our relationships with each other are based on minimal trust. This trust is built not on goodwill, but on people's actions and efforts.

Establishing trust is of great importance for companies, as it is for individuals. From the top to the bottom levels, this reliability must be demonstrated not only in words but also in action.

So how is this trust achieved? Similar rules apply to individual individuals and companies.

Not Just Words, But Action

A person's ritual is work, words are irrelevant. It is not enough to say “Trust us” or to write a carefully weighed mission statement and statement of principles. Everyone sees big steps, but small and insignificant actions have a greater impact over time. It is not enough for the enforcement units in the workplace to make a statement saying, for example, "We have environmentally friendly approaches"; A detailed program should also be presented on how this was implemented and its results.

As individuals, going to work or an appointment on time, complying with time limits, and answering questions directly are things that we may not be aware of; But it is important to gain the trust of our colleagues and customers. The same goes for companies; They must deliver on their promises and give a sense of reliability through their daily implementation.


One of the biggest obstacles to building trust is confidentiality. Some things will naturally be kept secret; but the company must always be transparent about its practices without disclosing them.

For example, some of the factors that are effective in making decisions should be explainable. Being willing to answer questions and not being offended when people ask questions to get information also builds trust.

Transparency becomes even more important, especially if there is a need to re-establish trust. For example, recent accusations against HSBC, one of the UK's largest banks, that it helps its customers evade taxes have invalidated many promises in the banking sector and shaken trust. People want to see that this issue is addressed, those responsible are punished, and measures are taken to prevent such negativities. Even then, rebuilding trust will require great effort and time.

The End Does Not Justify The Means

Business leaders once thought that any means was acceptable to achieve their goals and satisfy their shareholders. Environmental damage, low wages, and poor management practices could have been tolerated.

However, neither consumers nor customers accept this approach anymore. Companies are now expected to be socially responsible to give confidence. For example, Apple's use of cheap labor in China and companies such as Starbucks or McDonald's not paying the taxes they are required to pay are seen as irresponsible by consumers, customers and investors.

The same goes for individuals. Respectful behavior towards co-workers or customers is expected. Those who seem to make progress despite their unethical behavior will eventually find that their surroundings are empty and there is no one left willing to support them.

Admitting Mistakes and Taking Responsibility

This principle means taking responsibility for mistakes made, both for individuals and businesses. When this is done and steps are taken to correct it, mistakes can be more easily forgiven. When done with clarity and transparency, it reinforces trust.

Principles written on paper only gain meaning with implementation plans and concrete steps. Gaining trust and maintaining it requires constant effort. But the result is worth it.

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