The Lion and The Mouse

20 Oct 2022

The story of The Lion and the Mouse is a popular tale among most cultures, especially in Africa. As with most of Aesop's fables, there are many different versions of the tale with varying details. I'll be sharing a standard version. This is the first of the few stories  I'll be sharing to relate life lessons.

A mouse was wandering in the forest one day and stumbled into the territory of the Lion, the King of the Jungle. The Lion was peacefully asleep and the Mouse did not notice its presence. The mouse who was scavenging for food unknowingly woke The Lion. The Lion awoke to see a lowly Mouse wandering in its territory and immediately swooped on it to eat it. The Mouse begged for mercy saying he was too little to satisfy the Lion and that he was unworthy prey for the great Lion. He told the Lion that if he should let him go, he would be in his debt and would one day be of great service to him. Although the Lion did not think it possible that a Mouse would be of any use to him, he let the mouse go.
Soon afterwards, The Lion wandered into a trap set by hunters and was caught in their net. He let out a huge roar to get help. The Mouse he had earlier let live, heard his cries and remembered his promise to the Lion. The Mouse chewed away at the ropes holding the net and cut it, setting the Lion free. With that, he repaid his debt.

This story teaches us that we need one another no matter how big or high we might think we are. We should also always strive to do good to everyone, not only those who we think to have the capacity to be of benefit to us in the future. The mighty Lion never would have imagined that he would be saved by a creature as weak and as little as the mouse, therefore we should never look down on anyone and make friends no matter highly or lowly they may seem. A good deed is never forgotten.

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