Self Confidence

29 Sept 2022

A clear-headed state of mind is confidence, which can be expressed as the conviction that a theory or prediction is true or that a particular plan of action is the best or most efficient. Having self-confidence involves having trust in oneself because the Latin word "confidere" for "to trust" is the root of the English word "confidence."

When someone lacks confidence, they may fail or give up because of it, and when someone has confidence, they may succeed because of it rather than an innate talent.

Self-Confidence is very important for a Positive Lifestyle. It helps you to develop Trust in yourself and bring a sense of Control to your life.

Have in mind that without a Humble but Reasonable confidence in your own Powers, you cannot be Successful or Happy.

Always remember that no one can make you feel inferior without your Consent.
Self-doubts make an individual to feel inferior and Sensitive to Criticism.

The Scriptures said that you become what you believe and not what you think or what you want.
So live a Life by Acting on your Beliefs!.

Be An Agent Of Peace!
Tolerate And Live Peaceable With All.```

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