LE7EL | The Apex Gaming Protocol

22 Jan 2024

With the ripe of new surrounding networks over Ethereum node like Manta Network, I want to introduce you with the latest network exclusively built for Gamefi, @LE7EL_com

Infra for Game

Creators, players, operators, or contributors; all will benefit from their network. Promised to bring true economy by reducing server cost for publishers, mitigate excessive value extractions by game platforms, and giving fair distribution to all network stakeholders; makes them one of few who see gamefi infrastructure as an opportunity.


They have one main token, $L7L, to empower all utilties among stakeholders in pro-rata basis reward pool by:
- Trading in-game assets
- Commissioning each on-chain transaction
- Integrating betweeen NFT and in-game avatars
- Incentivising Creators and Players based on network ulltilization
- and many more...

Network rewards

Prev mentioned pool rewards comprise of 60% of token distribution making it a community product by itself. Token value will be driven my community actions to ensure supply-demand in a balanced order.

- Player pay gamepass
- Creators pay ads commission
- Contributors and Operators bond to get access to utility

- Creators make games
- Players spend and play games
- Contributors make surroundings
- Operators run network.

In summary, $L7L will become main payment method to run all economy inside.


They introduced chamber vote instead of classic token voting. Chambers consist of all 4 stakeholders, means even you have 51% circulating supply as any stakeholder, your proposal can be ditched by other stakeholders. The rule is simple: one need to get bindings from at least 3 chambers to approve a proposal. A pretty interesting method for governance.


Last year, the announced to be a part of Polygon Village Grant program and partnered with NVidia. These two are expanding their wings into new groundbreaking protocols and supporting the growth of crypto industry as a whole. I personally will look forward to any commitment they will issue to Le7el to ensure the longevity of the service as we know, network layer is a long term game.

NFT utility

To kickstart their presence, an NFT is introduced. 2,222 supply will be launched in Q1 on ETH mainnet. Utilities mentioned:
- Token presale
- Token airdrop
- Future partners' NFT drop
- Exclusive L7 investor community
- etc

My takeaway

We are early & they haven't done any marketing beside NFT drop. W/ unique proposition & execution, when it hits a wider range of crypto geek, I think it can run. The key is about their timehack and it seems relatable with this Gamefi meta

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