13 Aug 2024

Sir, " I am breaking up with him" she explained, with a look of frustration and despair on her face. "But it's for the best of everyone. Things haven't been working out for the past few months. We are just too antagonistic". These words echoed in my mind after our conversation. For her to make all these statements show that her relationship with her partner has been strained.

There are many killers in a relationship and marriage, and in this part, we will look at a few. Some of the relationship and marriage killers are :


Communication is the heart of every relationship and marriage. It is an essential factor that holds relationships and marriages together. And lack of it is the reason for divorce and heartbreaks.

So many people today make the mistake of assuming that their partners should know what they are feeling and thinking, without entirely communicating what they need. This results in tension and pressure. The more partners spend not discussing things that are bothering them, the more tense things become and the bigger the divide between the partners.

You must know what's happening in your partner's life, because if you are not aware you won't understand the issues they may be dealing with. Poor communication between partners gradually leads to a lack of interest in each other's lives and can kill relationships and marriage.

When you don't speak with your partner and try to understand what he or she is dealing with, there would be greater scope for ambiguity. You must speak out to your partner. Lack of communication has wrecked many homes and relationships today.


" I wish my wife was like my ex. I would never feel bored in bed". "I wish my husband was like my ex. He was so lovely and affectionate". If these statements sound familiar to you, then your relationship or marriage may be on the fast track to disaster.

You must realize that comparison is the thief of Joy. Because the moment you start comparing your partner to another person is the moment you prefer to be sad.

You must realize that your partner is not your ex and shouldn't be compared to another. Your partner is special with his or her uniqueness. Start looking at their positive traits and love them for who they are. Comparing your partner to another will make him or her feel worthless and demoralised. Unhealthy comparison kills relationships and marriages faster.


Unforgiveness holds on to wrongs and seeks revenge. Keeping records of wrongs is the fastest way to be dismal. Unforgiveness and bitterness kill relationships and marriages faster.

Martin Luther said:" A happy marriage is a union of forgivers". Marriage is a union between two imperfect people, that's why we must allow forgiveness to reside in our consciousness.

Marriage is the continual act of forgiveness. We must realize that people are not perfect. The way we tolerate and deal with our partner's imperfections, so also is he or she dealing with ours.

Unforgiveness is a relationship and marriage destroyer.

Healthy relationship and marriage is still attainable.

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