28 Dec 2022

Your very existence isn't a mistake. The joy of having to be awake, walk, speak, laugh, remember should be celebrated.
We may be carried away by our worries and the fact we haven't achieved a lot or the very thing we wished for the most, however this shouldn't have to be. It's often said that where there's a will, there's a way.
Hope is the bringer of light and meaning to one's life. People go through a lot, some not even able to voice them out to their loved ones.
Life is unexpectedly meant to be celebrated and not endured, do not give room to the gravity of negativity, but let the positive feelings live rent free in your subconsciousness. The price for happiness is free and peace cost's nothing.
The mind is the only obstacle to a person's greatness. Once you tell yourself "I CAN", you'll definitely be able to achieve it. Stop trying to feel sorry for yourself and pick yourself up.

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