Is there anything you learned after your personality became extroverted?

9 Sept 2023

1. It turns out that not many people pay attention to me on the road, it’s all my inner thoughts that are causing trouble.

2. It’s not that difficult to get to know a stranger.

3. Those girls who usually seem to have a strong and aloof aura also have a charming and cute side in private.

4. After becoming an extrovert, I really have more friends of the opposite sex.

5. Happier. I used to have things in my heart, but now I vent out whatever I am unhappy about, and my mood index has increased by more than one level.

6. Expression becomes more direct, and what you want to say is no longer coy. Even when you see an article you like, you will give a like to directly express your encouragement to the author.

7. Many things can only be said in one sentence. When something happened in the past, I was too introverted to ask for help, so I often went through many detours to solve it.

8. Start being bold. Dare to do things that I didn’t dare to do before, such as: chatting up a girl I like, bargaining with a salesperson...

9. Know what kind of friends you should make, no longer force yourself to be in a group, and learn to filter your own circle.

10. I have gained a lot of knowledge. The more things you dare to do, the more people you meet, and the more you know.

11. There are more entertainment activities. In the past, I didn't just stay at home, but now I dare to go to bars and massages, and my life has become more colorful. If you want to do something else, I suggest you read more books and improve yourself.

12. It turns out that extroversion can also hide oneself, and vulnerability and strength coexist. Sometimes I would smile playfully in front of others, but in private I would hide in a corner and cry when no one was around.

13. Be optimistic about things. You will not worry about small things all day long, nor will you choose to escape because of big things. You will have the kind of indifference to take things as they come.

14. If you are good at communicating with others, you will have more opportunities. Many opportunities are based on interpersonal relationships. With a wide network of contacts, there will naturally be more opportunities.

15. Flirting with girls is even better. I didn't dare to say a few words before, and I didn't know what to say. But when I said some words later, I felt ambiguous, hehe~

16. I love to laugh from time to time. It’s super easy to leave a kind, kind and lovely impression on others, just like you who like and feel lucky right now.

17. Emotions don’t fluctuate so easily. In the past, I was introverted and kept things in my heart, but now I have more mental trash cans that can hold bad things and can be dumped at any time.

18. Some little thoughts are missing. You will not doubt someone's behavior casually, nor will you get upset over trivial matters.

19. Comparatively confident or proud. When the level of thinking and cognition is improved, there is ink in the belly, and there is insight in the eyes, you will naturally become more arrogant.

20. Become enthusiastic. Whether it is dealing with people or life, I have begun to have expectations, I am no longer so casual, and I have more pursuits in my heart.

21. Be generous and willing to share. If there is something good or good, I will bring my best friends and buddies to enjoy it together, and treat others sincerely.

22. Sometimes I offend others. Because you speak directly, you may say the wrong nice thing if you are not careful.

23. Happiness increased. I have become more proactive, my personality has become more popular with people around me, and my mood has always been beautiful.

24. Extroversion is not about becoming others, but about achieving oneself. No matter you are an introverted or extroverted classmate now, I hope you will follow your inner thoughts and just be yourself!

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