How to Improve Soft Skills

6 Dec 2022

Developing Your Communication Skills

1) Aim to be understood: Your goal should be to communicate clearly, whether you're speaking or writing. Fancy or lofty language can frequently make the message you're attempting to make confusing or unclear. Here are some suggestions for improving your communication clarity:

  • Keeping on topic. Concentrate on the main point of your discussion. This might be as basic as discovering whether your coworker is available for lunch.


  • When communicating, be specific. You can have trouble getting to the point. Use particular phrases instead of vague pronouns or undefined time periods to boost your clarity.

2) Make eye contact:  Meet someone's gaze eye to eye to show that you are paying attention to them. Making eye contact will make your conversation partner feel more involved. If this is tough, turn your body to face the person you're conversing with.
Turning your body to face your discussion partner directly increases your chances of looking them in the eyes. If you're uncomfortable looking someone in the eyes, glance at a place just above or below the eyes, such as the bridge of the nose.
Maintain your focus on your conversation partner even if there are other distractions in the room. Allowing your gaze to wander can appear impolite.

Strengthening Interpersonal Relationships

1) Build relationships: Interpersonal skills are essential in the job, especially when so many firms are structured around teams and departments. Make friends with your coworkers, managers, clients, and business partners.
Invite coworkers, colleagues, and managers to local events such as block parties, museum events, concerts, and other activities.
Throw your own party and invite your coworkers, colleagues, and superiors. An informal situation could be ideal for solidifying your friendship.


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