The forest fairy made Lankesh wise part 2

25 Oct 2022

In addition, there is perpetual animal dread. The mermaid declared: "The faucets of other people are covertly left open by these kids and their Fajiti. Consequently, their gardens aren't watered. Parnavi has consequently punished him with this action." Then Sonpari arrived. She seized Lankesh's boat and took off. In a huge garden, she landed. In his head, Lankesh exclaimed, "Ahaha! What a lovely garden! number of flowers The fruits can be smashed by hand because they are so low. Additionally, the entire fruit season! Mangoes, oranges, grapes, mosambi, and chickpeas! Just bent with luscious fruit, the trees! Lankesh approached the mango out of temptation. His is that He started to tremble in fear when the focus was no longer on him. What did he notice?

It was pleasant to be in front of the sharp shrubs. Aloe, Babul, Panchadhari Chopung, Fadi Chopung, and Sarat Valley. He ran eight times through the woodland. Their feet and hands were on fire. While the acacia bread was hitting them with thorny branches, Sarat crept up on the feet. The bleeding children sobbed uncontrollably, unable to stop. Because the wounds were not treated by a doctor, the blood could not be removed. "These kids were hitting the fruit of the fruit and blood," Sonpari remarked. Fruit that was once raw no longer is. As Lalpari approached Sonpari, she stood. She assumed command over Lankesh. They both came to a flurry at once. Jasmine and mogra are in the garden. Just as lovely were Roses, Jai, Jui, Jaswandi, Anant, and Brahmakamal. Lankesh was now, however, wise from experience. You went to the flower, and he was terrified to watch as well. What if he opened his eyes loudly, from the corner of his eyes? With the blossoms beneath the flower, he was lifting the petals with his hands. He was removing. The butterflies were dispersed all around them, but the kids were unable to call them. The fish chewing with enlarged faces was Some were unable to even open their eyes. Lankesh, who was shaking in dread, heard Lalpari say, "See! How these kids were disciplined by Parnavi for squeezing, pinching, and throwing away the blossoms on the tree. She!” Lankesh was taken in front of Parnavi's palace by Lalpari. It became secret when left. There was just Lankesh in the courtyard. I was astounded by what I saw and felt frozen. Parnavi abruptly exited the palace and questioned Lankesh, "Have you noticed? How harshly are people punished for breaking branches, tossing rocks at trees, grazing flowers, and crushing them? By uprooting the baby trees, you have taken their lives. You have denied them the chance to develop, bloom, and produce fruit. What consequence will be meted out to you then? that You choose. Lankesh began sobbing loudly as soon as he heard Parnavi speak. Dowry kept going. declared, "Parnavitai, I was mistaken," and prostrated at Parnavi's feet. I'll never disturb the trees from here, that's quite wrong. I won't toss rocks or trample on the flowers. I'll look after them. I'll look after them. Forgive me. Forgive me. Would you? 

Early in the morning. As usual, my grandfather, Vaibhav's grandfather, and Kunakuna's grandfather went for a walk in the field. Lankesh's knuckles dropped close by. His granddad sprayed water on his face as a warning. He went to the plants that the Gardening Circle had planted while sobbing, and using gentle hands, he uprooted them and planted them again. hydrated them. Since that time, Lankesh has gotten quite intelligent. He joined us as a buddy. Then one day he began to tell us the tale of Parnavi, a woodland fairy. 

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