Galaxia | A blockchain-powered metaverse

20 Jan 2024

Whats Galaxia?

Galaxia is an innovative metaverse project that merges blockchain technology with the concept of a digital universe, focusing on the integration of Real World Assets (RWAs). It creates a multi-dimensional ecosystem where virtual and real worlds converge. In Galaxia, users can interact within various autonomous planets, each with unique characteristics, communities, and governance systems. These planets allow for the mapping and trading of RWAs like real estate and art in digital form, offering a new realm of possibilities in Web3 space. The project emphasizes decentralized governance, interconnectedness between planets, and creative exploration, making it a frontier in the digital age.

Galaxia Genesis Pass Benefits: 

Users can cross into autonomous planets, each with unique features and governance making it a frontier in the digital age.

-Premier PASS NFT on the Galaxia Platform
-Chance to airdrop exclusive Galaxier brand collab merch.
-Access to whitelist or discounted mint prices for upcoming series.
-Discounts on physical goods from Galaxier brand collaborations.


Galaxia will be led by Zhang Zhizhong who's the former President of Disney Asia.

He's also the head of @DarkHorseComics one of the top ranked IP company


Supply: 600
Mint Price: FREE
Mint Date: TBA
Low supply free mints have been all the rage so get your hands on this wl while you can. Don't forget to share this post with your friends and join our giveaway below!


So far the galaxia has grown a lot of hype, there are still alot that are uncovered. But with a solid team, it's no doubt Galaxia is going to be a groundbreaking project and the members of Nifty Alpha are extremely bullish and anticipating the launch.


Discord: TBA

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