The most valuable substances

3 Feb 2024

The most valuable substances

The most valuable substances in the world tend to be expensive because they are rare or difficult to find. Some of these substances have an inflationary value due to the fact that they contain a risk of crime in buying and selling. Their values may change in parallel with an increase in the amount of these rare substances or a decrease in interest in them. Substances such as helium are usually inexpensive. But as the demand for this gas increases, its quantity decreases and its market value increases. Precious jewels such as platinum, diamonds, illegal drinks and advanced elements that are difficult to produce are among the most expensive substances in the world. Dec. All of these items are usually highly charged. However, the cost of these substances can be low in the case of illegal sales.
Here are the 15 most valuable items in the world with you:

15- Gold

1GRAM IS $56

While the price of gold fluctuates, especially in relation to the economy, this precious metal has been regarded as a symbol of wealth and prosperity for thousands of years.
Once used as a currency in the past, gold is now employed in various fields such as jewelry, art, and decoration. Aside from its excellent conductivity, gold is utilized in electronics to coat satellites in space. In the field of medicine, gold finds applications in dental implants and wires, as well as in the treatment of joint inflammation and cancer.

14 Rhodium

1 gram ıs 58 dolar

60% of all rhodium is extracted from South Africa. Although this metal, which is from the platinum metal group, has properties such as durability, hardness and reflection, it has less density and durability than platinum.
As a result, this substance is sometimes called ‘white gold’ due to its use in jewelry, aircraft engines, projectors, acidic and organic production processes. The reason why rhodium has a high price is the internal disturbances in Russia during the 90s.

13 Platinum

Gram ıs 60 dolar

Platinum is one of the white metals used due to its flexible property. Similar to rhodium and gold, it is used in jewelry, motors, chemical reactions, cables, medicine and electrodes.
Platinum resists oxidation in the air. It does not dissolve in hydrochloric and nitric acid. This element is BC. after being used as jewelry in Egypt in the 1200s, it was rediscovered in 1735.


Gram ıs 100 dolar

It is a synthetic substance with stimulating properties. It is one of the most addictive substances that has been causing serious health problems in North America for hundreds of years. The rapid spread of dopamine in the brain leads to behaviors such as violence, mental illness, paranoia, anxiety, sleep disturbance, and intense inconsistency. Painfully, over-dependence can also result in ’facial meltdowns' and death.

11 Rhino Horn

Gram ıs 110 dolar

Treating cancers and alcoholics is its most important feature. But it is claimed that there are many features that have not yet been found. In some Asian countries, rhino horn is considered a valuable resource. Although the unique rhino horn shows obvious richness, it is used in traditional Chinese medicine to increase strength.


Gram ıs 130 dolar

Nowadays, 80% of heroin is found in Afghanistan. in the 1990s, Latin America had the largest source. Heroin is released directly into the brain and passes through the automatic cognitive process necessary for life and the sleep nerve responsible for breathing.Tue. Heroin is released directly into the brain and passes through the sleep nerve responsible for breathing. Due to its pleasurable properties, heroin is one of the most dangerous addictive substances in the world.


Gram ıs 215 dolar

Another incredibly addictive and expensive substance is cocaine, which is created from cocaine leaves in South America. When used in excess of the treatment dose, it paralyzes the respiratory system and causes death. The inconvenient side of cocaine is that it is habit-forming. Because the effect of cocaine is short-term, people who use it often use it in recreational settings.

8 Lysergic Asic Deithymide (LSD)

Gram ıs 3000 dolar

The most widely known acid, lysergic acid deithylamide, was discovered by Albert Hoffman in Switzerland in 1938, when he was using it in a psychological treatment. He suggested that Indian wise people such as Timothy Leary should try this acid to improve consciousness. LSD creates strong hallucinations, can cause psychological problems and serious physical injuries.


Gram ıs 4000 dolar

Plutonium is obtained from uranium, which is used in nuclear reactions. This substance is rarely formed through natural processes. Nuclear power plants use plutonium in uranium reactions to continue nuclear processes.

6 Painite

Gram ıs 9000 dolar

Painite, first discovered in Burma in the 1950s, is a rare mineral that is pinkish, reddish or brownish. Due to the fact that very little painite exists, it is known as the rarest mineral in the world. Recent discoveries have occurred in Mogok in Myanmar, but very little painite has been found

5 Taaffeite

Gram ıs 20000 dolar

The taaffeite stone is another extremely rare gemstone. It is only bought by collectors. Although there are fewer than 10 known red taaffeite stones, the most remarkable colors of this substance are red and purple mixed. The size of the discovered taaffite stone fills half of an average cup.

4 Tritium

Gram ıs 30000 dolar

Tritium, deuterium and nitrogen atoms form naturally when they are subjected to cosmic radiation. Tritium, the radioactive form of hydrogen, is useful for sensitive signals, gun sight and other specialized products such as watches.

3 Diamond

Gram ıs 55000 dolar

Although the diamond is not rare in the world, it is the most expensive gemstone because of its beauty and value. Formed from intense pressure and heat deep beneath the earth, diamonds are the most difficult-to-transform carbon molecules on Earth. Some diamonds date back as far as 3.2 trillion years. Diamonds of high value, which are known to be exploited, are the subject of debate as a world resource. This mineral is found in Africa, where it is widely used for illegal weapons.

2 Kaliforniaum

Gramıs 27 Millıon Dolar

.Californium is a rare earth metal discovered in California in 1950 that does not occur naturally on the planet. Californium, which is highly radioactive in one microgram, emits 170 million neutron fragments around, which form a major toxic for many organic lives. The areas of use of this element are; detecting gold, platinum and measuring humidity for oil wells

1 Antimatter

Gram:ıs 6,25 Trillıon Dolar

Antimatter, which is conducive for many advanced technologies such as CERN to create quantities small enough for physicists to study, is the most expensive substance in the world. The idea of antimatter has been introduced to people through science because antimatter has an incredibly destructive property when mixed with regular substances.

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