
20 Mar 2024

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A Guide to the Brazilian Side of Iguazu Falls

One of the 7 Natural Wonders of the World and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, there’s no doubt that visiting the spectacular Iguazú Falls is a must-do on any South American itinerary. Straddling the border between Argentina and Brazil, each side of the falls offers a unique perspective and will be an experience you’ll never forget. This guide contains everything you need to know before visiting the Brazilian side of Iguazú Falls.
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Visit Brazil - 3 Week Itinerary & Travel Guide

Brazil is a country of strong contrasts, from the beat of the samba drums to the chirp of tree-top monkeys, from the chaotic metropolises to the untouched Amazon jungle, and from the freshest tropical fruit to the layers of a slow-cooked, meaty feijoada. My ultimate Brazil 3 week itinerary will take you through all the must-visit Brazilian destinations with a few of my hidden gems thrown in for good measure.
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Where to Eat the Best Food in Rio de Janeiro

Over the years I’ve received recommendations from local friends, scoured Portuguese-language lists and blog posts, and stumbled across some of my own favourites. From street stalls to Michelin stars, back streets to beachfronts and everything in between. Here is my comprehensive, delicious, and somewhat erratic list of the best places to eat and the best food in Rio de Janeiro.
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Hike to Lagoinha do Leste Beach in Florianópolis, Brazil

Looking to escape the crowded Florianópolis beaches and relax on an almost deserted stretch of sand with incredible views to boot? The trail to Lagoinha do Leste beach is one of the best things to do in Florianópolis, famous for its secluded beach and ragged rocky viewpoint ‘Pedra do Surfista’.
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The Ultimate Rio de Janeiro Itinerary + Travel Guide

From the imposing granite peaks of Corcovado and Sugar Loaf Mountain, down to the white sandy beaches of Copacabana and Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro will ignite all your senses. This Rio de Janeiro itinerary and guide will really set you up for an incredible trip to the cidade maravilhosa. Featuring tips on all the main attractions such at Christ the Redeemer, along with a few hidden gems, it contains all the best things to do in Rio de Janeiro.
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A Visual Guide to all the Rio de Janeiro Locations in The Seven Sisters Book

From the old mansions of Cosme Velho, up to the peaks of Christ the Redeemer and down to the beaches and shops of Ipanema, this guide helps you follow Maia and Bel’s footsteps and brings to life all the Rio de Janeiro locations featured in The Seven Sisters book by Lucinda Riley, the first of the series that has topped best seller lists around the world.
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