List of countries most interested in spot bitcoin ETFs

9 Jan 2024

As you know, the most talked about topic in the cryptocurrency market lately is spot bitcoin ETFs. The rally in the cryptocurrency market is expected to accelerate if the US Securities and Exchange Commission approves bitcoin ETFs. It may also attract the attention of those who are far from the crypto world and are not familiar with the internet. The entry of major asset investors such as BlackRock and Grayscale into the sector, coupled with the gaining trust in the cryptocurrency market, may attract the attention of traditional stock market investors towards the cryptocurrency market.

So, let's get to our main topic, who are the countries that show the most interest in bitcoin spot ETFs?
Cryptocurrency data provider CoinGecko shared data from a study it conducted on spot Bitcoin ETFs.

  1. Luxembourg
  2. St. Helena
  3. Singapore
  4. Switzerland
  5. Austria
  6. Germany
  7. Canada
  8. Netherlands
  9. Hong Kong
  10. Cyprus
  11. Slovenia
  12. United States
  13. Portugal
  14. Australia
  15. China

and there is Top 10 US States Most Interested in Bitcoin ETFs

  1. Nevada
  2. Washington DC
  3. New Jersey
  4. New Hampshire
  5. Massachusetts
  6. Connecticut
  7. New York
  8. California
  9. Washington
  10. Virginia

How did you find the list? What are your opinions? Tell me in the comments and don't forget to leave a reaction. Thank you for reading.


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