Partagás: A Legacy at the Peak of Cigar Art

11 Jan 2024

Partagás is one of the oldest cigar brands, founded in Havana in 1845 by Don Jaime Partagás of Spanish origin. This brand has risen to a legendary position in the tobacco world by preserving its resistance to changes over time and its mastery in cigar making. But the story of Partagás is not just the success of a brand, it is also a mirror of the complex evolution of the tobacco industry.

The Beginning: The Vision of Don Jaime Partagás

Building on his experience in the cigar industry, Don Jaime Partagás founded one of Havana's largest factories called "Real Fábricas de Tabaco Partagás" in 1845. Vuelta meticulously selected tobacco cultivation areas in the Abajo region and brought together the best quality tobacco. Don Jaime always believed in a better production process for making cigars, using different fermentation and aging techniques.

Family Legacy and Changing Hands: After Don Jaime

After Don Jaime's death, his son José Partagás took over the business. However, in later years, the factory and the brand were sold to a banker named José A. Bance. In 1900, Cifuentes, owned by Don José Fernández and Ramón Cifuentes, was purchased by the Fernández y Cía company. Following Fernández's departure, Cifuentes and Francisco Pego Pita formed a partnership and founded the firm Cifuentes, Pego y Cía. During this period, in 1927, the company acquired the rights to the Ramón Allones brand and continued production under the name Cifuentes.

The Golden Age and the Post-Cuban Revolution Period

In 1954, Partagás expanded its product range by purchasing the Bolivar and La Gloria Cubana brands. In 1958, it managed to become the second largest exporter of Cuban cigars after H. Upmann. However, after the Cuban Revolution, it entered the process of nationalization and underwent changes in production. Just before and after the revolution, Partagás became one of the most respected and best-selling cigar brands worldwide. In the mid-1990s, it was the second best-selling cigar brand after Montecristo, with annual sales of nearly 10 million cigars.

Edición Limitada ve Yenilikçi Formlar

Partagás, 2000 yılında Pirámide, 2001'de Serie D No. 3, 2003'te Serie D No. 2, 2004'te Serie D No. 1, 2006'da tekrar Serie D No. 3, 2008'de Serie D No. 5 ve 2010'da Serie D Especial gibi Edición Limitada (Limitli versiyon) üretimleri ile dikkat çekti. Partagás ayrıca, Serie P No.2 ile tanıtılan piramit şekli gibi yeni formalarla da puro dünyasına öncülük etti.

General Cigar Company Dönemi

Devrim sonrası devletleştirilme sürecinden sonra, Cifuentes ailesinin önde gelen üyelerinden Ramón Cifuentes, Partagás ve Bolívar markalarının lisanslarını 1978 yılında General Cigar Company'e verdi. Amerikan piyasasına geri dönen Partagás, üretimini önce Jamaika'da gerçekleştirdi, ancak daha sonra üretimini Dominik Cumhuriyeti, Santiago'daki modern fabrikasına taşıdı. General Cigar Dominicana tarafından üretilen Partagás puroları, Küba Devrimi sonrasındaki boşluğu doldurarak Amerika'da tekrar önemli bir konuma ulaştı.

Sonuç: Partagás'ın Mirası

Partagás, zaman içinde yaşadığı değişimlere rağmen, puro dünyasındaki saygın konumunu koruyan bir markadır. Havana'daki eski Partagás Fabrikası, "Francisco Pérez Germán" adını alarak günümüzde bile ziyaretçiler tarafından sıklıkla ziyaret edilen bir mekan olmuştur. Bu fabrika, Partagás purolarının geleneksel ve ustalıkla üretildiği yerdir.

Bugün, Partagás hala puro sanatının zirvesinde bir mirası temsil ediyor. Küba ve Amerika'da farklı üretim tesislerinde üretilen Partagás puroları, tütün dünyasının en talep gören ve saygı duyulan ürünleri arasında yer almaya devam ediyor. İster Havana'da eski fabrikayı ziyaret edin, ister Amerika'da General Cigar Company üretim tesisini keşfedin

Edición Limitada and Innovative Forms

Partagás played for Pirámide in 2000 and Serie D No. 3 in 2003 in Serie D No. 2 in 2004 in Serie D No. 1, 2006 again in Serie D No. Serie D No. 3 in 2008. It attracted attention with its Edición Limitada (Limited version) productions such as 5 and Serie D Especial in 2010. Partagás also pioneered the cigar world with new jerseys, such as the pyramid shape introduced with Serie P No.2.

General Cigar Company Era

After the post-revolutionary nationalization process, Ramón Cifuentes, a prominent member of the Cifuentes family, licensed the Partagás and Bolívar brands to General Cigar Company in 1978. Returning to the American market, Partagás initially produced in Jamaica but later moved production to its modern factory in Santiago, Dominican Republic. Partagás cigars, produced by General Cigar Dominicana, regained an important position in America, filling the gap after the Cuban Revolution.

Conclusion: Partagás' Legacy

Partagás is a brand that maintains its respected position in the cigar world, despite the changes it has experienced over time. The old Partagás Factory in Havana, named "Francisco Pérez Germán", is a frequently visited place by visitors even today. This factory is where Partagás cigars are traditionally and expertly produced.

Today, Partagás still represents a legacy at the pinnacle of cigar art. Produced in different production facilities in Cuba and America, Partagás cigars continue to be among the most demanded and respected products in the tobacco world. Whether you visit the old factory in Havana or explore the General Cigar Company production facility in America

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