District One Invite Code "AXJL63"

7 Apr 2024

Social Space with Money Games.
District One is backed by Binance Labs, Kucoin, Crypto.com, and DWFLabs. It has a plan to allow users to earn BLAST points plus OLE coins at the same time.

The OLE coin will be distributed after May and at the same time, it will get listed on top CEX.

DistrictOne Invite Code: AXJL63
District One Official Website: https://districtone.io/invite/AXJL63

What To Do With DistrictOne?

  • Engage in a strategic game where you can 'steal' rewards from others, amassing earnings as you expand your connections.
  • Participate in one of the three daily rally sessions to support your favorite space and collect gems. Keep your eyes peeled for the grand gem drop.
  • New spaces enter a daily race, competing for the top three positions based on share price. Victorious spaces go live, initiating gem collection and OLE emissions.
  • Buy shares at a linear price to wager on its popularity, as shareholders gain 10% of space's gems, 80% tx fees, and a 150% boost in space gem earnings.

Reward Recalibration: Airdrop For Users

In our latest review, we’ve adjusted our rewards system to uphold the integrity of our platform and honor genuine community engagement:

  • Account and Reward Adjustments: Approximately 4,500 accounts have been banned and their rewards zeroed for violating our community standards through Sybil activities, spam, bot usage, and like farming. An additional tier of 500 accounts have experienced reductions in gem rewards proportionate to the level of their offenses.
  • Like Reward Scaling: While likes still contribute to the rewards system, their impact has been significantly reduced. This change is in preparation for the complete removal of like rewards by epoch 2, steering our community towards more meaningful engagement metrics.
  • Prioritizing Active Contribution: We are now assigning a higher value to gems earned by active hosts and shareholders. This adjustment is to reward those who are deeply engaged in the vibrancy and governance of our community.
  • Gold Redistribution: DistrictOne is opting out of receiving Gold rewards, choosing instead to reallocate this Submit appeal form if you believe your account was mistakenly banned or zeroed out.

Blast Gold Distribution

Access Reward Page on D1 to claim your Blast Gold rewards. Get 10% more Gold if you share your achievement with invite on Twitter. These rewards are a testament to your active engagement, based on the total Gems you’ve earned.

Rally Redesigned

We’ve reenvisioned rallies with an entry fee of 100 gems and a 400-gem contribution to the jackpot by each participant. Rally rewards now offer sOLE and shareholder boosts, potentially increasing rewards up to 6x. With rallies every two hours and a cap of three participation per day, we’re balancing excitement with fair chances for all. More details in Rally.

Gems Gifts and Airdrops from Hosts

Community-building takes a new form with our innovative feature for hosts to gift Gems or initiate airdrops. Every day, hosts can distribute Gems as rewards to active community members as gifts or airdrops, based on the prior day’s engagement metrics. This new system not only incentivizes daily interaction but also provides hosts with a direct way to acknowledge and reward their most engaged members, fostering a thriving and supportive community ecosystem.

Boost Up for sOLE and Shareholders

The reward structure for sOLE and shareholders has been significantly enhanced. sOLE earnings have been escalated from 100% to 300%, tripling the potential rewards. Shareholder boosts have seen an increase from 200% to 300%, offering a substantial incentive for continued investment and engagement in community spaces. These boosts are designed to reward our most dedicated users and to encourage a deeper level of participation and contribution to the platform.

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