
13 Jan 2024

We're thrilled to share some exciting updates with you across various fronts.
Firstly, a heartfelt thank you for your support during the launch of our $XAR token sale on Republic.

If you haven't had a chance to explore it yet, the sale is live for another 7 days, and you can visit us at

Now, let's dive into the latest releases and product updates:

  • Non-EVM Support: Arcana Auth is expanding to Non-EVM chains, starting with Solana. Solana Dapps can now provide seamless onboarding to their users by offering the fastest auth for a super-fast blockchain. Check out the $1000 developer bounty on SuperteamDAO.
  • Arcana Gasless SDK: Launched in November, early partners have begun integrating the SDK.
  • Auth Core SDK: Now live in beta, this allows developers to customize the wallet UI/UX more flexibly than our white-labeled SDK.
  • DKG Upgrades: Deployed enhancements for performance and security in our DKG (Distributed Key Generation) system.
  • SendIT 'Request' Feature: Launched in partnership with BNB Chain, we've already processed over 14,000 requests worth over 40 $BNB in the first month.
  • SendIt OPBNB Chain Support: SendIt now supports OPBNB Chain for both P2P sending and payment requests.

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