Hsana tf rea xnaih jajrnz icrqh fosrrb hsih fhtoyf te jz sailM Lh ;if hsa liz ih untjinz fosrrb hsih

21 Jan 2024

Hsana tf rea xnaih jajrnz icrqh fosrrb hsih fhtoyf te jz sailM Lh ;if hsa liz ih untjinz fosrrb hsih jz obiff ;if xtgae i fstphal ibusicah otusanW iel hsa haiosan ifyal qf hr ptel hsa jaffixaM Hr jaW agae ih ie ainbz ixaW th faajal btya hsa jrfh ;relanpqb hstex L sil orja ionrff te jz alqoihtreM
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There is one great memory about school that sticks in my head. It was the day at primary school that my class was given a shifted alphabet cipher, and the teacher asked us to find the message. To me, even at an early age, it seemed like the most wonderful thing I had come across in my education. Overall, it was a way that we could write secret codes to our friends, without others knowing its contents. Luckily, the joy of cracking a cypher has never left me, and I still enjoy finding new ones to solve. It’s probably the reason I

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