Life is like a dream

21 Feb 2023

Life is like a dream
It flows like a stream.
Life is like a mystery
Life is like a dream!

Life is a difficult yoke
Different from all our jokes
Life is a burnt candle
It has its own span
Life is like a dream!

Life is something we imagine
It comes without a margin
Life is imaginable by humans
But not created by humans
Life is like a dream!

Two enemies fighting each other
Enmity between life and death
Death comes a life's expulsion
Life comes as Death's resumption
Life is like a dream!

Life with an expiry date
Comes without a production rate
Life comes from life itself
Without life, there is no human.
Life is like a dream

Life without the most special persons
Only makes it void and empty
Especially when you remember the memories and the hurt, followed by the pains.
At that moment, life sucks!
Life is like a dream!

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