Cadence Ambassador Program: Deadline 18 March

16 Mar 2024

Join us on an exciting journey with the Cadence Ambassador Program! As a beacon for community engagement, this program offers you the opportunity to actively shape the future of Cadence Protocol. Whether you’re a content creator, community leader, event organizer, or tech enthusiast, our program provides an exclusive space for collaboration and personal growth.

Apply Now

Application Deadline: March 18, 2024


Participate in various tasks such as content creation, event organization, development initiatives, community building, and active engagement within the Cadence community.


The program is open to everyone interested in contributing to the Cadence ecosystem, regardless of background or experience level.


Ambassadors will receive unspecified exclusive rewards, gain access to VIP events, receive branded swag, and have access to incentives and growth opportunities within the Cadence ecosystem.

About Cadence Protocol:

Cadence Protocol operates as an intent-centric perpetuals aggregator on Canto, aiming to maximize liquidity efficiency through various mechanisms such as RWAs, CSR, and LSDs. Integrated with Symphony, Cadence Protocol addresses liquidity fragmentation in the DeFi space, offering innovative solutions to enhance user experience and ecosystem development.

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