Love Life (EP2)

2 Jul 2022

So three years later. I eventually met Shalom, a very pretty and attractive girl, we were so fund of each other and after a couple of months, we started dating. At this point, my first love was still dating the guy that took my place due to that my high hopes became so low. 
I started dating Shalom in June and in October, my first love broke up. Mehn! I didn’t know how to feel about the whole thing, but I just had to move on because there’s nothing I could do. Over time Shalom and I started having issues. But it was totally not from my end. I gave her the best I could but Shalom is someone that picks offense over every little thing so that made us to be having misunderstandings so often. 
Shalom was lovely but she also had grey areas. I got hurt twice in the relationship but even at that I couldn’t just breakup with her and I don’t know why.
Shalom had threatened to breakup with me twice for reasons which were not justifiable and I pleaded for the issue to be resolved.
A lot happened and she broke up with me after a year, I didn’t force it at this point because I was fed up. After a month she wanted us to get back together but I didn’t want to because I was already getting my mind off it.
At this point,  I had already started talking with my first love and trying to get back to the way we used to be. After we got close again, something heartbreaking happened. 

I will talk about it in the next episode..

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