Month in Review: January 2024

30 Jan 2024

BULB Month in Review - January 2024

Howdy BULBers, Welcome to the First Month in Review of 2024!

BULB is off to a strong start to the year in 2024. We are seeing a number of users join the platform and activity continues to grow with each week. More and more, we are seeing BULBers start to share the project with their network, building new connections on the platform and driving the project forward, this is amazing to see! 

We are so thrilled to see more and more BULBers join us from the Solana ecosystem and beyond, buying in to the shared vision for a decentralised social media platform that rewards everyone. 

We have a few major updates for everyone, so let’s get into it!

2024 so far…

Latest BULB Leaderboard

Obviously, we are delighted to see BULBer numbers skyrocket to over 47,000 users. As you might remember, a little over a month ago, we were sitting at 16,000! This tremendous growth is primarily due to the strong network of BULBers spreading the word to their networks, as well as our strong and continuously improving SEO performance which is capturing the demand for major key word searches like crypto blogging platform, Web3 blogging platform, Read-To-Earn or Write-to-Earn + more. We feel confident that the BULB community is growing larger and in some ways stronger as more people join in the fun, so please keep spreading the word!

Trending on the Solana Ecosystem

More recently, BULB has been trending first on the Solana Ecosystem voting system for the Social Protocol category! We wanted to extend our thanks to the community for up-voting BULB and helping us garner more visibility in the Solana ecosystem. We are aiming to become the go-to blogging platform for the entire Solana ecosystem, so your support here means a great deal to us. If you haven’t already, we’d love for you to vote for us here!

Detailed Sneak Peek into 1Q and 2Q 2024 Roadmap

We know that the community has been very curious about the product roadmap of BULB and has been very forthcoming in offering feedback and suggestions on fixes/improvements to the platform. We appreciate it! 

With that said, we will need to prioritise the most important features so here is a more specific rundown of the core feature releases and events in 1H 2024: 

February 2024: BULBmoji NFT 3.0
March 2024:

  • Automated Moderator Recruitment 
  • BULB Staking
  • Updates to Tokenomics Structure

April 2024: Official BULB Token Listing

BULBmoji NFT 3,0

The community has grown significantly since the last release of BULBmoji NFTs, so we will be releasing 150 BULBmoji NFTs on February 4th. Stay tuned for updates and make sure you’re first in line to purchase one from the BULB Shop!

Automated Moderator Recruitment

As for Automated Moderator Recruitment, we have noticed bad actor activity on the rise as the platform expands, this is expected but we need to continuously develop better systems to combat these malicious actors. So, we are developing an automatic system for the recruitment of official BULB moderators. In a nutshell, we will enable anyone to become a moderator upon the completion of certain achievements to show his/her good behaviour track record. This way, the moderating system can be more open and inclusive in the long term. 

BULB Staking

For BULB Staking, we realise that there are still a significant amount of underutilised BULB Tokens in circulation. We are currently developing a staking system where BULBers will be rewarded with both BULB Point multipliers and a share of all redistributed tokens (hint on the new Tokenomics model).

DEX Listing

We are working hard behind the scenes to bring forward our DEX listing to April this year. Trust us when we say it is going to be a huge milestone in BULB’s roadmap. Between now and the token listing, we recognise some changes need to be made to BULB’s tokenomics to build stronger supply and demand side economics and build more overall value in the $BULB token. We will write a post on this in due course. 

The good news! For many OGs BULBers, the time has finally come. We are almost there, so hang on for a moment longer!

P.S - We are aware you can currently trade BULB Tokens through unofficial liquidity pools and if you want to sell your tokens now, please feel free to do so at your own risk

BULBer Writing Competition #4 

We are back with the 4th Writing Competition on BULB.

But first, congratulations must go to @Blog BIT for taking out last months writing competition with their article: “The Future of Finance: CeFi vs DeFi Thunderdome” your tokens will be transferred to your wallet shortly. 
For those new to the writing competition, the best 3 articles will receive a shoutout on our X profile and the community will be able to vote their winner via our Discord. To enter, simply post an article on the topic between February 1st and February 14th, adding ‘Writing Competition’ as the first tag on your article. Winners will be announced in the February’s month in review. 

The lucky winner will receive 250,000 BULB Tokens and 0.1 SOL to mint their article as an Article NFT. 

Let’s talk about blogging this month:

Building your audience as a blogger can be tough, how should bloggers get started in 2024? 

Rewarding Amazing Users on BULB

We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the following newly Certified BULB Writer:

MBA ChitChat, jieun and baris have been consistently creating high quality, valuable and entertaining content to the BULB Platform, as well as being active community members from supporting other writers to suggesting new ideas and sharing insightful thoughts. The BULB Team is grateful for your contributions!

Final Remarks

That’s all for January! We will be keeping the community closely updated on our latest developments and announcements. The Official BULB Token Listing is coming soon, so just hang on there for a bit longer ;)

We BULBers have a massive year ahead… let’s keep marching on together 💡🚀

-BULB Team

Write to Earn. Read to Earn.

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