20 Mar 2024

Releasing yourself from the quest for love, as it's the only pursuit causing you distress

To experience love for everything around us: the sea, wind, sun, sand, joyful children, salty water, crashing waves, pebbles on the shore, cool white wine, birdsong, crickets chirping, refreshing swims, relaxing under a tree's shade, savoring a café frappé, diving into the enlightening book by Kryeon on the Akashic records, cruising home on a motorbike, returning to our haven, gazing over hills and endless blue seas, admiring a distant majestic island, witnessing a golden sunset, indulging in fresh nuts and fruits, enjoying another glass of chilled white wine, engaging in profound conversations with loved ones, especially that one person we call "partner."

This individual isn't the sole source of this profound beauty and love but rather someone with whom we share and amplify our universal love—a person resonating on the same wavelength, comprehending our thoughts, loving us for who we are, recognizing our inherent beauty not just physically but as creations of the divine. They're part of the tapestry of existence, alongside the sea, sun, sand, children, water, waves, pebbles, wine, birds, crickets, trees, coffee, books, motorbikes, hills, islands, sunsets, nuts, fruits, and all humanity. They don't cause our loving feelings; rather, they reflect and enhance the love we already possess.

Love comes from Powerful Energy around Us

Feeling profoundly filled with love arises from tapping into your authentic, inherent nature. You can interchange "love" with words like joy, enthusiasm, energy, peace, or happiness because they all stem from the same source. You embody Love (joy, happiness, etc.)—nothing else. Embracing this simple truth unveils that you ARE love in every fiber of your being, across eternity, in every moment, every action, every place you've been and will ever go. Recognizing this essence allows everything you say, do, give, or create to emanate from that love.

Within this understanding, there's that special person—our closest connection—who is fortunate to bask in our love. However, they aren't the origin of these feelings. They may awaken love within us, but they're not its source. Instead, they magnify the love that's already present. Together, we amplify each other's love, radiating it outward to everything around us.

Whether this person is present or not doesn't alter the depth of our love and beauty. While sharing with someone enhances the experience, it isn't essential. Love extends to everything and everyone, and this person is just a part of it, neither more nor less. They receive our love, acting as receptors, while we, too, receive and transmit love like satellites, capturing the beauty of creation and radiating it outwards. Their proximity doesn't diminish the love available to others; just as walking in sunlight doesn't deplete its availability to others.

Even if you find yourself alone, without a romantic partner at this moment, it doesn't diminish your ability to connect with the boundless love of the universe, to radiate it outwards, and to feel it flowing through you. This is a relationship between you and the universe, between you and the divine. It has nothing to do with having a significant other. Do you grasp that? So let go of any drama surrounding the absence of a "special someone" in your life or the notion that living alone makes you abnormal. When you're alone, you're actually "All One" with all the love that exists.

It's vital to recognize that your capacity to love doesn't originate from another person but from the divine, the universe, or your higher self. You are inherently composed of love; it's your essence. Any other narrative that suggests otherwise is simply a story you've adopted, perhaps portraying yourself as a victim—an unnecessary narrative! These are false beliefs implanted in your mind, convincing you of your inadequacy. The true source of pain isn't the departure of someone from your life, not even if they leave for another. It's the misguided belief that you're not enough. But this belief is wrong. The only truth is that you are love itself, and the sooner you remember this fundamental truth, the sooner you'll experience profound and enduring happiness.

As you delve deeper into the understanding that you are eternally born from love and can only embody love because it's your true nature, you'll realize that suffering and misery stem from misconceptions about your identity.

love is everything

Love encompasses everything. It is the ultimate truth, and you are love itself. Everything else is irrelevant. Instead of endlessly analyzing your identity or taking personality tests to fit into categories, simply affirm, "I am!" If you feel the need to elaborate, say, "I am love."
Once you embrace this truth, immerse yourself fully in love. Nothing external needs to change. Others can act as they please; you have no control over that. Dive deep into your core essence of "I am love," and let everything else fade away. Feel it resonate within every cell of your being, in your soul, body, and heart. Revel in it.

When you realize that you are love, you no longer crave validation or attention from the outside world. You are liberated from the pursuit of material gain or fleeting pleasures. You transcend victimhood and pain. The quest for truth becomes obsolete because you embody the truth itself. You are free from searching for love because you are love. You know it, and you can finally find peace, rest, and true life.

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