I am Broken

30 Jan 2023

l am broken;
I am confused & I'm distraught.
My bonk mate in secondary school is dead.
Back in July I gisted you people about my Bonkie's wedding that I didn't see her wedding IV…And only got to know 2 weeks to the wedding, She sent a WhatsApp message and I typed congratulations dear without reading the content up till date I don't know how!! I apologized, I visited her on the day I went to get her aseobi I knelt down & apologized. It took me days to forgive myself. We were so close I mean we shared a lot together, I knew her in & out but after that incident we weren't close and life has happening so fast too, sometimes we don't even check up on our friends.How did I stay from February till June I didn't talk to my friend, I didn't even know how deeply I had hurt her. Until she met my mom at the bank, and my mum came home to tell me I met your Bonkie and she attended to me, I was like I don't have any Bonkie that works in the bank, I then chatted you immediately, just imagine me going to ask you how can you get a new job without telling me, I was thinking you owed me an explanation untill you said I should scroll up and then I did & saw my Shame in HD. You told me how broken you were, how you kept thinking of what you ever did to me that will make me not happy for you. Or even call after hearing such Goodnews..
In December I celebrated her birthday on Facebook and then got her a gift and took it to her office & then 2 days after her birthday she confided in me about something someone did that hurt her & I had to advice her to not worry, and let it go. It was at that moment I knew she has actually forgiven me
wholeheartedly to see me as her confidant again. But I didn't want to rush things, I wanted time to bring us close together again. Last week was our last chat, she jokingly said Bonkie dash me money, then added blows powder. I asked for her details & sent money & the description was "for baby" My Bonkie has a 3 weeks old son I haven't even had time to visit her. I kept asking when I could come but maybe I didn't push.

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