The people's family

13 Feb 2023

I observe the clear distinctions within the human family.
While some of us choose to laugh, others are serious.

Some profess to live lives of great profundity, while others insist they actually experience reality as it is.

The range of our skin tones—brown, pink, beige, purple, tan, blue, and white—can confound, puzzle, and excite.

I've traveled the seven seas and stopped in every country, but I haven't yet seen a common person.

I know a lot of women named Jane and Mary Jane, but I've never seen any two that were exactly alike.

Despite having similar features, mirror twins are different, and lovers who are resting next to each other have very different ideas.

We fall in love and lose it in China, cry on the moors of England, laugh and moan in Guinea, and prosper on the shores of Spain.

We are born and raised in Maine, yet we desire success in Finland.
We are similar in important aspects but different in tiny ways.

Although there are apparent differences between each sort and type, we are more alike than different, my friends.

My pals, we are more similar than different.

My pals, we are more similar than different.

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