The Importance Of Love In Life

30 Jan 2024

If there is no love in life, it is difficult to ever feel belonging, without love one cannot realize the beauty of this world. Love is the support of some people's life and inspiration for others. Spiritual development of man is not possible without love. Bliss in life cannot be experienced without love. Even animals can experience the vastness of love. Therefore, there is a world bigger than knowledge, the world of love. Where there are no barriers of language, no barriers of religion and caste, there is only belonging.

Love can solve many of life's problems in a jiffy. Today, the strings of so many relationships are breaking, and there is a huge wave of expectations around us.

Words have their own meanings and feelings have their own, words alone cannot do anything unless they are felt, but today literature is full of words of love, so there is a need to feel them.

Today every person expects love for himself, but does not want to give it to others. We grow only by giving love and knowledge.

People may have different views towards love in life, each person interprets love based on their experiences. But many a times his explanation gets stuck in the realm of logic and fallacy, no person in love is able to attain the fundamental joy of love, they impose their happiness and sorrow on others, as a result they fall into the trap of despair. They remain trapped in it, and some people even embrace death.

Every disappointment begins with hope, but no disappointment tells you to stop loving yourself. A person who cannot love himself cannot love others.

Another name of love is dedication, and in dedication a person does not desire to get anything, he only knows how to give, and the one who knows how to give is never disappointed. Your happiness and sorrow are nothing more than an experience, bring those moments of love with you once again. Feel that you are getting closer to love, you are so close to love that you do not hate anyone, you are energetic, you are close to nature, you love your beloved without any expectations.

Love is a feeling that a person wants to experience again and again, and as often as he experiences it. The more one goes away from the impurity of the mind. The advent of ego in oneself leads to destruction and love begins with 'us' only.

While writing this, I rest my pen. How did you like this article? Please feedback.


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