
24 Dec 2022

I stumbled on a secret, or a half secret
how long did you try to keep it away from me?
was it for my benefit or for your own selfish reasons?
I have no idea.
What could I have possibly told you?
What could I have possibly said?
I tried to be as open as possible. I tried to be as honest as possible
Yes I omitted some things at a point, but in all honesty the things I omitted never did get to bite us in the ass
Whats the point of helping if it turns into a mantra whenever we don’t see eye to eye.
I think it’s unfair for someone to constant evade a topic only for it to be used against the person in the later future
You know you could tell me anything and I’d take it, instead of “carrying my secrets” as your burden.
You always wanted to let me know so you used Dutch courage. Now I know.
I’m ashamed and embarrassed, but I’ll live.

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