Zircuit Staking Guide | Potential Zircuit Airdrop

13 Mar 2024

Join the community of over 100k others — Stake your ETH LSTs/LRTs and earn Zircuit points

Zircuit is an AI-enabled, modular zk rollup powered by the latest research in L2 technology. With cutting-edge performance and security at the sequencer level, users can explore new frontiers with faster transactions, reduced fees, and complete peace of mind.

About Zircuit staking program

Zircuit has launched a point staking program in February 2024. By now over 100k users have already deposited on Zircuit to maximize their staking profits.

The Zircuit staking program is designed to reward participating users and communities that help bootstrap native, day-one liquidity to Zircuit. While users can earn Zircuit Points by staking, users that opt-in to migrate their assets to the Zircuit Mainnet when it goes live are rewarded the most.

Zircuit itself is an Ethereum ZK Layer 2. The main feature of Zircuit is preventing malicious transactions/hacks using its Sequencer Level Security (SLS).

What assets are available for deposit?

At the time of writing, 11 assets from restaking protocols and native ETH are available for deposit:
💎 Ether.fi (weETH)
💎 Ethena (USDe)
💎 Eigenpie (mswETH, mwBETH, mstETH)
💎 Kelp (rsETH)
💎 Renzo (ezETH)
💎 Liquid Collective (lsETH)
💎 Lido (wstETH)
💎 Swell (rswETH, swETH)

After the LST/LRT, is deposited, you start receiving 2x rewards from your liquid steaking protocol. $USDe holders can earn Zircuit Points (1x per 1 ETH of $USDe) and 7x Ethena Shards.
In addition to LST/LRT, you can stake native ETH. The smart contract will wrap your ETH in wETH
Deposits will continue to earn staking yield, EigenLayer Points and other existing points.

What rewards will a user receive for depositing LST?

After making a deposit the user can get 5 types of rewards:
✔️ Staking APR
✔️ Restaking APR
✔️ Eigenlayer Points
✔️ LRT points
✔️ Zircuit Points

There is no minimum deposit requirement for earning Zircuit points. Moreover, you can withdraw any time and keep the points and yield already earned. Assets in the Zircuit staking pool will always be in control of the user.

How to deposit in 3 steps:

1️⃣ Launch Zircuit dApp
Please note that registration is possible only by referral codes. The link above contains a referral code. If suddenly the code was not entered, enter it manually — VDAKLD
2️⃣ Connect your wallet to Zircuit
We recommend connecting the wallet that holds all liquid staking tokens at the same time. If you use several different wallets for different staking protocols, you will have to connect each wallet again and your Zircuit Points will not be summarized
3️⃣ Select tokens for deposit and click the Confirm button to sign the transaction
After connecting your wallet, you will see a list of your tokens available for deposit on Zircuit.
Enter the amounts to be deposited and click the Confirm button:
Once deposited, you will immediately start receiving Zircuit Points. Information about points can be found in the Points section, balance updated every second.
Once again, you can withdraw your deposit at any time, and all earned points will be retained in full. If a user decides that they need the assets they deposited or no longer wish to earn Zircuit points, they can instantly do so with no lockup period.

Zircuit Airdrop: how to be elegible

At this point only discusses the POTENTIAL airdrop. The Zircuit team has not made any official statements regarding the terms and conditions of the airdrop. Beware of scammers offering to connect your wallet to a malicious websites for “airdrop eligibility checking”.

Zircuit offers earn Zircuit Points by participating in the Zircuit ecosystem through staking or any quests. Zircuit doesn’t have their own token but may launch one in the future. Users who collect points may receive an airdrop if they launch their own token.

Most likely, the airdrop will be of the retrodrop type — at a certain point in time a snapshot will be taken and based on that, a reward will be distributed to users. To be ready for snapshot your main focus should be on getting as many Zircuit points as possible.

Zircuit referral program

You can also refer friends and earn 15% of all points your friends earn when they join through your referral code. Make sure to tweet to maximize your points earnings 🫡
When we convert points, loyal users will be rewarded. The longer a user participates in the Zircuit restaking program, the more points they earn.
Points conversion will be maximized if the user never withdraws, and migrates to the Zircuit Mainnet.

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