
27 Apr 2023

Yaa i would be starting this journey by introducing myself.... So hell oooo this is Amrita ladkat..a simple and sweet gurl...Im an engineering student.. What I've learned throughout my life is just love urself coz no one else is gonna wipe ur tears u urself have to ,no one is permanent.. And that's the only reason I'm the happiest girl ever . I don't believe in giving up...
Yess so lemme tell u one thing I'm a gurl who loves cars. . . . My favorite car is supra and thar❤being a girl liking something what boys do make u different therefore people sometimes point towards meand say change urself ur a gurl. . But yesups altast i don't care cos My life
.. My rulesss. . . . Me. Me. Mee
So I'll end this saying love yr dreams work for it be happy with your mindset coz of God's given u a mindset that's bcpz ur unique. ✨❤

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