Tectum Softnote: Privacy In The Crypto Age

14 Dec 2023

Tectum’s Softnote provides new alternatives for privacy conscious crypto fans.

It’s fair to say that in the Crypto world, things can often move extremely quickly. We see new meme coins and projects launched daily, along with with creative and ingenious ways to use Web3 and onboard people into the world of cryptocurrency. And, while some of these can be described as little more as fad’s or gimmicks, there are now creative and ingenious ways for people to use traditional Layer 1 and Layer 2 services.

In today’s article, we’ll be looking at a new solution for dealing with some of the issues that have evolved around cryptocurrency and privacy. With a lightning fast transaction rate and genuine usability built into the system, it provides a fresh approach with regards to managing your privacy. We are of course, talking about Tectum’s Softnote solution.

What is Tectum Softnote:
Softnote is a layer 2 scaling solution that is aiming to provide solutions for many of the current issues that have been recognized when using blockchain technology and services. Running on the Tectum Blockchain this new technology allows for a lightning fast transaction rate, peaking out at 1.3 million transactions per second.

Providing adaptability not typically seen with many other blockchains, Tectum shows promise in addressing many issues of the past, particularly those that are privacy focused.

It’s important to understand though that we are dealing with two separate products. Softnote provides the crypto wallet service while Tectum is the blockchain that powers it.

Part of what makes Tectum show so much promise is it’s reliance on the ZKP protocol. Standing for Zero Knowledge Proof, ZKP allows people to use the blockchain as you would normally.

However rather than using a piece of identifiable information for the transaction, like a wallet number, name service or email address, Tectum relies on QR codes for exchanging this information.

As you’d imagine, this is a pretty big shift from how blockchains typically work, which means the potential to disrupt the existing field with new technology is there.

Why It Signals a Shift
When Bitcoin was first developed, Satoshi intended that transactions could be anonymous, with a wallet number providing the means to send and recieve money as well as engage with the blockchain. And while this works, as we know now the open source component of the blockchain means that these transactions can be seen, tracked and observed in intricate detail.

Softnote aims to provide a way around this by making it’s ZKP protocol the way of the future, providing a way to use blockchain services and engage in financial activities while protecting it’s end user privacy.

Tectum has refined this concept into a smooth process, with the QR codes allowing the ease of use and speedy transfer of tokens while continuing to maintain it’s end user privacy. One of their marketing phrases is “Bringing Banks to the Bankless”, and looking at the project roadmap, we can see that they are well on the way to meeting this goal. But there’s other reasons as to why this project is worth looking at too:

1. Genuine Scalability: With a transaction rate of over a million transactions per second, the technology has the ability to be scaled appropriately according to demand
2. Privacy Focused: As well as providing a privacy focused way of using crypto, Softnote takes privacy in general quite seriously. Because of this there is a dedicated cyber security team, providing a proactive way of detecting and managing security issues.
3. Transaction Speed: Transactions are speedy, with near instant settling time. Also, due to the way the transaction is structured, your privacy remains secure through all steps.
4. Future Vision: Their road map has a vision for a trustless, decentralized and frictionless monetary system, implementing the concept of equal opportunity finance for the masses.
If you’re interested in looking further at the road map, we’ve included a picture for you and you can find further information via this link

Getting Involved
If you’re reading this and we’ve got your interest then here’s the bit where we give you referral links, as well as more information to continue learning about Softnote & starting your journey with Tectum.

Download a Softnote Wallet to get Started.

Read about the Tectum blockchain and review the roadmap.

Follow Tectum on Social Media for the latest updates.

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