Web3 on telegram

22 Apr 2024

*Building a Web3 Ecosystem in Telegram with Toncoin*

- *TON Space*: TON Foundation (TF) and Telegram joined forces to allow the TON Community to work closely with Telegram. Telegram now has 800M monthly active users and native integrations and promotions within the Telegram User interface.

- *TON Space*: TON Space is a new software wallet integrated directly into @wallet in Telegram’s interface, allowing you to send, receive, store, and manage your assets without ever having to exit Telegram.

- *Bridging the Worlds of Web2 and Web3*: The birth of cryptocurrencies offered the world an escape from centralized control, a tool to avoid abuse from trusted third parties and provide freedom of peer-to-peer transactions and interactions.

- *SuperApps*: Telegram, a global, open, and crypto-friendly platform with over 37,000 active crypto communities, aims to provide the infrastructure for a Web 3 ecosystem in Telegram, effectively creating the first global and decentralized SuperApp.

- *The Future Ahead*: The integration of TON into Telegram isn’t just about technological advancements but a clear vision for the future. At a time when users are seeking more autonomy over their digital lives, TON will make a bold stride toward giving the power back to the users.

_Web3 and Telegram: A Match Made in Heaven_

- _Decentralized Finance (DeFi)_: With TON, Telegram users will have access to DeFi services like lending, borrowing, and yield farming, all within the app.

- _Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)_: Telegram's integration with TON will also enable users to create, buy, and sell NFTs, opening up new possibilities for digital art, collectibles, and more.

- _Gaming_: Web3 gaming will also become a reality on Telegram, with users able to play blockchain-based games and earn rewards in the form of cryptocurrencies.

- _Social Media 3.0_: Telegram's Web3 integration will revolutionize social media by giving users full control over their data, privacy, and digital identity.

- _The Future of Communication_: Web3 and Telegram are poised to transform the way we communicate, interact, and transact online, creating a decentralized, open, and global community.

With Telegram's massive user base and TON's cutting-edge blockchain technology, the possibilities for Web3 innovation are endless. Get ready for a new era of decentralized communication and interaction!

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