Life is more than 10% what happens and 90% how we react to it.

21 Apr 2024

My Psychologist Is Me: A Space To Learn, Grow And Heal From Within.

Tips, reflections and resources on how to take care of your mental health, improve your self-esteem and develop your potential. I do not intend to replace professional help, but rather to complement it and motivate you to be your own psychologist. I hope you like it and that it inspires you.

In life, we often face challenges that lead us to question ourselves, to look inward for answers. We become our own psychotherapists when we embrace this invitation to self-reflection, exploring the deepest corners of our minds and hearts. The idea of becoming our own healers may seem like uncharted territory, but in reality, each of us possesses the innate power to understand and heal our own emotional wounds. Without the need for complicated theorizing or incomprehensible technicalities, we can embrace a practical and humane approach to our mental well-being. Furthermore, by developing this skill of self-reflection and self-therapy, we not only benefit our own lives, but we can also become a source of support and guidance for others. With empathy and understanding, we can offer our support without psychological jargon, but with a genuine and compassionate approach to the well-being of those around us.

Imagine for a moment that your life is a great orchestra. Each experience, each situation, each person that crosses your path is a unique instrument, with its own melody and rhythm. Some instruments are soft and harmonious, while others are discordant and challenging. The key to creating a beautiful and meaningful symphony does not lie in silencing the "bad" instruments, but in learning to harmonize them, to find the melody that arises from the union of all the notes, even the most dissonant.

What would your life be like if.....? happy, full and satisfactory, regardless of the circumstances that surround you. Imagine a life full of positivity, growth and fulfillment of your goals. Now, think for a moment about your past experiences. What percentage of them were caused by uncontrollable events, such as orbital weather or political elections? Wouldn't the rest just be your reaction to those events? This is the essence of the 10/90 principle, popularized by pastor and writer Charles Swindoll: only 10% of what happens to us in life is under our control, the remaining 90% depends on how we react to it. In other words, we cannot avoid the storms of life, but we can choose how to dance in the rain.

10%: The Events

Events are the events and circuits of life that lead to new situations and experiences. They are limited to the past and can only be changed by retroactive action. We are usually not in control of them, but it is important to remember that even the least desirable events can bring valuable learning.

"It is not about finding meaning in life, but that we sick and die derive meaning from it" - Søren Kierkegaard

The 90%: The Answers

The answers are our emotions, our mind and how we deal with situations. They are the present and the future and are completely under our control. Many times, negative responses to unfavorable circumstances can aggravate them more than necessary. Giving a positive spin to our minds instead of focusing on negativities can totally change our experience.

The Importance of Perspective

The author Virginia Woolf said that "the mind is formed by the ideas that interfere and not by those that are excluded". Which means that all the information we take in, absorb and process is added to our mind, influencing how we think, act and react. Creating a positive outlook on life is an ongoing process that requires dedication and effort.

The power of attitude

Our attitude is the conductor of our life. She is the one who decides which instruments to highlight, which melodies to emphasize and how to interpret the score that has been given to us. A positive attitude, like a skilled conductor, can transform a cacophony into a symphony, even in the most difficult circumstances.

Finding inner harmony

Learning to harmonize the instruments of our life is not an easy task. It requires self-knowledge, awareness and practice. We must be able to identify our emotions, understand our reactions and develop tools to manage them in a healthy way.

Philosophy and spirituality as guides

Philosophy and spirituality can be invaluable beacons on this journey of self-discovery. They offer us different perspectives on the nature of life, suffering and happiness, helping us find deeper meaning and purpose in our existence.

How to Develop a Positive Outlook

  • Gratitude: Cultivating an attitude of gratitude and recognizing what we have can change our perspective and make us more receptive to opportunities for growth.
  • Action: Acting instead of reacting is a way to take control of our situations and start creating positive results.
  • Meditation: Meditation and other spiritual practices can help us clarify our minds, increase our self-awareness, and develop a more balanced perspective.
  • Love: Love for ourselves and other people can be the source of good energy and sense of purpose, serving as a foundation for continued growth.

We can all become the conductors of our own lives. Take charge of your attitude, explore the tools that self-knowledge offers you, and seek the guidance of philosophy and spirituality. Remember that life is a beautiful composition, and the melody you choose to play will depend solely on you. At the end of the day, the orchestra of life is a reflection of our inner world. If we cultivate positivity, resilience and compassion, our melody will resonate with harmony and beauty, inspiring those around us. Reflection on oneself and the world is a perennial tool for personal growth. Continually remembering how we react to circumstances and how we can improve is a crucial part of our ability to grow and evolve.

Remember: Life is much more than 10% what happens to us, 90% is how we react to it.

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