100-day plan for basic English conversation Day 2(12/20/2023)

24 Dec 2023

I wrote the English conversational stuff listed below today.

A: I have to go now. Let’s talk later.
B: Ok. Have a great day!
A: You, too. See you tonight.
B: Goodbye!

Have a great/ nice/ good day!
Take care.
See you.
See you later/ again/ soon.
Goodbye./ Bye.
Catch you later.
Talk to you later.

A: I can’t wait to see you again soon!
B: Same here. I’m so happy tonight.
A: Take care, Amanda.
B: Bye, Marcus!

happy glad delighted thrilled
angry furious excited surprised
sad frustrated worried nervous

100-Days miracle Day 2

Let’s reframe fear.

When was the last time you stopped yourself from doing something because you were afraid?
Let’s be honest.
We all have the fear of not being good enough, so sometimes we don’t even bother to try.
But what if you just choose to believe you are good enough?
And what if fear means you are heading towards the right direction?
The sensation you feel in your body is probably telling you that you are stepping up your game.
The reason why you are scared is because you were brave enough to put yourself out there.As long as you are doing what’s best for you, fear will always be there.
So instead, let’s say. “Come on fear. You are coming along.”

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