Fruits ! Best time to eat

12 Jul 2022

What is the best time to eat fruits ?

As per ayurved and my concern best time to consume fruits is morning to till 12 noon.


According to ayurved morning time is cleaning time for whole body, like stomach, intestine, liver, kidney all doing cleaning of the body in morning. What we had eaten previous day all extertion waste needs to be out from body.

1. One method is when we wake up go for the stool pass. After that body doing cleaning process again, so make that process very easy and smooth so we need fruits.
2. Fruits having fiber, natural sugar, al essential nutrition n cleaning properties which helps in body cleansing.

I'll explain with some examples

[ ] Suppose we are running a supermarket right, so everyday we do cleaning of the store so customers feel good and do buying easily. So store every day gets dirty, things can be placed everywhere. So manage them n clean them we do cleaning of store in morning. If customer comes that time when you cleaning your supermarket, than you stop cleaning and focusing on customer, this thing go whole day than you can't get time for cleaning, so your supermarket looks dirty, bad than people won't come to your store. So same like our body if we don't clean them naturally we get so many disease like constipation, indigestion, acidity, bloating etc.

So must eat fruits in morning

★ Besides morning what another good time to have fruits

1. You can eat fruits between your two meals like lunch n dinner but should do gape of 2-3 hours while consuming fruits after your lunch.

2. Another good time is you can eat fruits as evening snacks

3. Sometime you can do all day fast just consuming fruits.

I hope you all guys understand what I'm saying regarding fruits consumption

Than bye see you all in next blog till than take care, stay healthy eat healthy 😊😊

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