The Bitcoin fever 'returned', sometimes breaking its historical peak, but the legendary Warren Buffe

17 Mar 2024

The Bitcoin fever 'returned', sometimes breaking its historical peak, but the legendary Warren Buffett once 'warned': Bitcoin is like 'rat poison', investing in digital currency can have a bad outcome
Investment legend Warren Buffett said that even if all Bitcoins cost 25 USD, he would not buy them, because they do not create any value.
However, since its launch in 2008, Bitcoin has always been controversial because of its large price fluctuations, difficulty tracking transactions, and little regulatory oversight. Over the past 16 years, this cryptocurrency has attracted a large number of fans but also received a lot of criticism.
One of the naysayers is investment legend Warren Buffett. He once said bitcoin was like "rat poison" and repeatedly expressed his view that he wanted nothing to do with cryptocurrency. He also said investing in cryptocurrency could have a bad ending.
Even after many years, Buffett's views have not changed. At the 2022 Berkshire Hathaway annual shareholder meeting, he also said: “Bitcoin will probably go up or down in the next five or 10 years, I don't know. But one thing I'm pretty sure of is that it doesn't create anything."
To clarify his point, Buffett said he is willing to pay $25 billion for 1% of agricultural land or 1% of apartment buildings in the US. However, if someone owned all the Bitcoin in the world and offered him to buy it for 25 USD, he would not accept. "I don't know what to do with them and will have to resell them one way or another. They won't produce anything. While apartments can be rented, land can become farms food production,” the investor said.
More about Buffett: His 400-acre farm has proven to be one of the billionaire's best long-term investments, even though he admits to knowing nothing about agriculture. This is why more and more investors are adding agricultural land to their investment portfolios.
Not only Buffett, his friend and collaborator, legendary Charlie Munger (deceased) also previously expressed his "unsympathetic" opinion towards bitcoin. Mr. Munger also said: "In my life, I try to stay away from stupid things, bad things and things that make me look worse than others. Bitcoin has all three of these things."

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