Leonardo DiCaprio (Part 5)

11 Feb 2024

Leonardo DiCaprio (Part 5)

Leonardo DiCaprio has been politically active, endorsing candidates and advocating for voter participation. He publicly endorsed Hillary Clinton for the 2016 presidential election and attended a fundraiser for Joe Biden in March 2020. DiCaprio has used his platform to raise awareness about voting rights and voter suppression, narrating a Netflix documentary series on the subject and urging his followers on social media to make a plan to vote.

In addition to his efforts to promote voter engagement, DiCaprio has also taken a stand against foreign influence campaigns in politics. In 2023, he testified during the trial against Prakazrel Michel, who was accused of participating in a foreign influence campaign targeting the Obama and Trump administrations. DiCaprio's involvement in the trial underscores his commitment to defending the integrity of democratic processes.
Overall, DiCaprio's political activism reflects his belief in the importance of civic engagement and his dedication to promoting democracy and accountability in government.

Leonardo DiCaprio has been actively involved in philanthropy and has made several significant donations to various causes over the years:

  1. In 1998, DiCaprio and his mother donated $35,000 to establish a "Leonardo DiCaprio Computer Center" at a library in Los Feliz.
  2. In May 2009, DiCaprio joined Kate Winslet, director James Cameron, and singer Celine Dion in a campaign to raise money to support the nursing home fees of Millvina Dean, the last survivor of the RMS Titanic. DiCaprio and Winslet donated $20,000 towards this cause.
  3. Following the devastating earthquake in Haiti in 2010, DiCaprio donated $1 million to relief efforts in the country.
  4. In 2011, DiCaprio joined the Animal Legal Defense Fund's campaign to release Tony, a tiger that had spent a decade at a truck stop in Louisiana.
  5. DiCaprio donated $61,000 to the gay rights group GLAAD in 2013, supporting their advocacy efforts.
  6. In 2016, he contributed $65,000 to the annual fundraising gala for the Children of Armenia Fund, where he was a special guest.
  7. Supporting relief efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey in 2017, DiCaprio provided $1 million through his foundation to assist affected communities.
  8. In 2020, amid the devastating bushfires in Australia, DiCaprio's foundation donated $3 million to support relief efforts and environmental conservation initiatives in the country.
  9. In response to the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, reports emerged that DiCaprio donated $10 million to support Ukraine. However, the accuracy of this amount has been questioned by some sources, including the Associated Press.

Through his generous donations and philanthropic efforts, DiCaprio has demonstrated a commitment to various humanitarian, environmental, and social causes, contributing to relief efforts and raising awareness on important issues around the world.

Leonardo DiCaprio's personal life has been a subject of significant media attention, although he tends to keep his private life out of the public eye. He is agnostic but does not identify as an atheist. DiCaprio has been known for his relationships with younger women, which have occasionally drawn criticism from the media.

In 1999, DiCaprio began dating Brazilian model Gisele Bündchen, and their relationship lasted until 2005. Following that, he was romantically involved with Israeli model Bar Refaeli from 2005 to 2011. DiCaprio also dated German fashion model Toni Garrn from 2013 to 2014 and again in 2017. He was in a relationship with American model and actress Camila Morrone from around 2017 until 2022.

DiCaprio owns properties in Los Angeles and New York City, including houses and apartments. In addition, he purchased an island called Blackadore Caye off the coast of mainland Belize in 2009, with plans to develop it into an environmentally friendly resort. In 2014, he acquired the original Dinah Shore residence in Palm Springs, California.
In 2005, DiCaprio sustained severe injuries to his face and neck when model Aretha Wilson struck him with a broken bottle at a Hollywood party. Wilson pleaded guilty to the assault and was sentenced to two years in prison in 2010.

Regarding his involvement with The Wolf of Wall Street producer Red Granite Pictures, which was implicated in the 1Malaysia Development Berhad scandal, DiCaprio turned over gifts he received from business associates at the production company, including items from fugitive businessman Jho Low, to the US government. These gifts included a Best Actor Oscar trophy won by Marlon Brando, a Pablo Picasso painting worth $3.2 million, and a Jean-Michel Basquiat collage valued at $9 million.


  1.  Wight 2012, p. 23.
  2. ^ Wight 2012, pp. 23–24.
  3. ^ "12th Annual Awards"Young Artist Awards. Archived from the original on July 16, 2015. Retrieved October 11, 2019.
  4. ^ Schwartz, Ryan & Wostbrock 1999, p. 80.
  5. ^ Boone, John (June 14, 2013). "Flashback Friday: Leonardo DiCaprio Competes on Game Show at 15"E!Archived from the original on October 11, 2019. Retrieved October 11, 2019.
  6. a b Harmetz, Aljean (December 12, 1993). "The Actor is Boyishly Handsome, and That's a Liability"The New York TimesArchived from the original on July 17, 2010. Retrieved August 2, 2010.
  7. ^ Wight 2012, p. 26.

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