5 Interesting Business Ideas for People Who Want To Be Successful

28 Feb 2024


Brainstorming feasible business ideas and eventually honing in on the most appropriate one for you is never a walk in the park. You identify a lucrative business opportunity, but the idea is capital-intensive. Or, you have the requisite startup capital, but the business doesn’t sound like it can help you recoup your return on investment (RoI) within a reasonable duration.  

However, the situation isn’t all doom and gloom as it appears. There are still plenty of sustainable business ventures which are sure to place you on the path to financial independence. Below are the five most interesting business ideas for people with a burning desire for success. 


Photo Credit: Pixabay.com 

Cleaning Services  

There's a residential or commercial building coming up in your local town every other day. That translates to a direct demand for cleaning services.  

One excellent thing to love about cleaning services as a business opportunity is its ease of startup.  

For starters, the idea requires reasonable seed capital. There are also fewer legal and regulatory challenges to contend with. These include lenient taxation, and the profession doesn't necessarily require academic qualifications, among other things.  

But perhaps the best perk of operating a cleaning services business is its hands-off approach. All you need to do is hire the right staff for the job and source high-end cleaning materials.  

The cleaning equipment and supplies to buy will mainly come down to the nature of the projects you plan to undertake – basic or deep cleaning. It will also depend on whether your business will primarily target small-scale residential cleaning needs or large-scale commercial and industrial projects.  

CBD Business 

CBD is an abbreviation for cannabidiol, the primary non-psychotropic chemical in cannabis. The compound has demonstrated efficacy against numerous ailments. Some of the medical issues it’s commonly administered for include pain, anxiety, seizures, nausea, inflammation, and insomnia.  

Cannabidiol’s immense therapeutic properties are the reason the CBD industry has been on an upward growth trajectory in the recent past. According to the Global Newswire, the CBD market is expected to hit USD 47.22 billion by 2028, up from USD 4.9 billion in 2021.  

Now, there are multiple ways to tap into the bullish cannabidiol market. You could become a cannabis grower, establish a CBD manufacturing plant, or set up a CBD distribution firm. You could also offer ancillary, sales and marketing, or consultancy services.  

But perhaps the most popular way to invest in the cannabidiol industry is as a retailer. This investment opportunity allows you to source canada kratom , tinctures, edibles, topicals, and other cannabidiol-infused goods from established manufacturers and then sell them to end-users for a profit. 


Photo Credit: Pixabay.com 

Consultancy Business 

Many people think of consultancy firms as large corporations that maintain expensive downtown offices and a huge workforce. But this isn’t exactly the case. It’s possible to establish a consultancy venture with ZERO startup capital. All you need is technical know-how on the areas you intend to consult in.  

Armed with that knowledge, you can set up an online consultancy firm. You could then focus on growing your business before setting up a physical office. Here are some of the most lucrative niches you might consider consulting in; 

  • Agri-business 
  • Business and investment 
  • Travel and tourism 
  • Fashion and beauty 
  • Health and Fitness 
  • Home building and planning 
  • Interior design 
  • Energy efficiency 
  • Youth and women empowerment 
  • Law and politics 
  • Life and wellness 
  • Wedding planning 
  • Arts and photography 
  • Love and relationship 
  • Search engine optimization (SEO) and social media management/marketing (SMM) 
  • Personal Finance 
  • Personal security 


Photo Credit: Pixabay.com 

Drop Shipping Business 

Drop-shipping is a retail fulfillment model where traders don’t maintain real stocks of the goods they purport to offer. Instead, they simply market the products and wait for a buyer. When a potential customer places an order, the drop shipper relays the order to a third-party entity – a manufacturer, wholesaler, or another retailer – who then takes care of the shipment. Goods are shipped using the drop-shipper’s credentials.  

Sounds cool, right? However, excelling in drop shipping is harder than it sounds. For starters, you’ll need to find a reliable supplier, many of whom are apprehensive about partnering with new retailers. Then there’s the often-rigorous process of setting up your online retail outlet.  

But if diligently executed and going by recent research, drop shipping can be ultimately rewarding. 

Organic Food Business 

Increased awareness of the adverse effects of junk food has seen many people discard processed foods for organic ones. Organic foods, also known as biological or ecological foods, are foods produced by methods that comply with organic farming standards. These standards typically involve the use of natural fertilizers and pesticides.  

According to recent projections, the organic food market is expected to hit USD 272.18 billion by 2027, representing an impressive compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.2% from 2020.  

Like most investment opportunities in this post, the organic food business offers several entry points.  

You can consider becoming a farmer or distributor. You could also establish a processing firm that adds value to freshly-harvested products. There’s also the option of starting an organic food restaurant or grocery store. 


Photo Credit: Pixabay.com 

Wrap Up 

There goes our definitive list of the most profitable business ideas in 2022. Remember that, like any entrepreneurial venture, extensive research is paramount before setting up a business in any of the above categories. 

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