BeraChain by Polychain Capital — Free Airdrop Confirmed!

22 Jan 2024

BeraChain by

Polychain Capital
Airdrop Confirmed!
Time: 20 minutes
Cost: $0
Potential Gain: $10,000
Here’s a step-by-step guide to be eligible for $BERA
It’s the airdrop season in 
Crypto Space
 and everyone nowadays are trying to ape into different airdrops on multiple chains with different narratives.Celestia
 is becoming the hub of airdrops, it’s time to dive deep into Cosmos
 Chains like $TIA The modular chain have one perk, if you’ve staked your $TIA on Keplr
 than you might be eligible for couple of Always Airdrops
.I’ve noticed every new chain or project is airdropping to Celestia users and growth is incredible.
It’s a good time to farm airdrop and try as much as you can to be eligible for the good amount of money.

➤ Step-by-Step Guide
BeraChain: Setting Up the Testnet

BeraChain is going to be another chain on Cosmos and testnet is already live. It has already raised $42 million and I believe this is going to be a rewarding airdrop.
To take part in this airdrop:
you’ll have to set up Berachain Testnet on Metamask.
Go to Metamask, create a new network manually and add this info:
It takes a minute to set up the Testnet and than next thing is claiming $BERA from the faucet.
Click here put the address and claim the tokens and you can do it every once in 8 hours.
Now the serious work begins that makes you eligible for the airdrop.
In following ways you can be eligible for the airdrop:

  • Do the tasks on daily basis
  • Operate Node
  • Build Smartcontracts

1. The tasks on the Daily Base on Berachain
There are couple of Dapps on Berachain Testnet, you will have to test those like make swaps, create pool and add liquidity, try lending, trade and that’s it.
Create more volume, use Dapps more often and at the end you’ll be one of the users getting airdrop.
you can find all the existing Dapps on the faucet website and since it’s on testnet Dapps do have bugs, over traffic slows down things a bit so it can take pretty much like an hour or two to do all the tasks.
2. Node Operator
There are plenty of nodes running on the Berachain Testnet and I believe the one’s who are running nodes are going to get more heavy amount.
So, you can also run a node and become validator to be eligible.
I’ll try it out after learning about it and still finding a way how to implement this.
3. Build a SmartContract — This is the thing which you have to do to make your wallet address unique!
This is another way to increase the chances of getting a good airdrop… Building Smartcontracts means you can create your own token, NFTs or anything on the Testnet.
I’ve planned to create a token that seems a bit easy and possible thing I can do.
Merkly 𝕩 @Berachain
The Beras and their cult-following haven’t gone unnoticed, so we decided to show our support.
Introducing: Berachain Contract Deployer
Users can now seamlessly deploy and interact with their own smart contracts on Berachain! → Exclusively available at
It’s on you if you want to do only one of these thing or all of these.. the thing is more involved you’re with Berachain the more better amount of airdrop you’re going to get.
Wrapping Up…
I’ve plan to do two of these things like doing the daily task and building a smartcontract.. this is the Alpha for today and hopefully this will be worth it in coming months.
Follow — @Berachain

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