
29 Dec 2023

This is all about Jupiter Token, Jupiter airdrops is coming this January that's according to their Dev/Founder Meow. One of the Best founder probably the Best of them all, that we've known in the Crypto Space. He will always have time for the community even though he is busy.

Jup Tokenomics

Jupiter token Airdrops 1st round of snapshot has already been taken. No worries if you are not eligible at this time, there are 3 more rounds, so it is still recommended to trade their at Jupiter exchange, you can trade it here https://jup.ag, one of the Best Dex under Solana Network. This is one of the most exciting airdrops and one of the biggest if not. Check this one out, one of the post from Jup Founder, https://twitter.com/weremeow/status/1735544950417436806

This coming January 1, 2024, founder Meow of Jupiter Exchange will give us an insight of what are their upcoming plans for the upcoming release of their Jupiter Token. This will be huge and a lot of people are very excited about this one.

For more infos, please visit their official website:


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