The drive (final part)

26 Aug 2022


"Oh shit", I thought to myself as I rushed towards him, "What are you doing?, You're driving remember?", "I told you I can handle myself", he replied. Philip wasn't drunk, at least from what I saw forgetting that it doesn't show on the face. I told him we needed to go as I had to get up early for work. He told me no problem but he had to say hello to the ladies first and so he did. I had plans of getting Eniola's number. But I didn't know how to ask. Trust me, I'm not the ladies man, Philip was. "Let's hit the road" he said as he spun the car key holder around his index finger. I followed him closely to the parking lot.
In no time, we were on the road again heading to my house. I must've yawned a couple of times and one can conclude that it was the song playing on the radio that bored me but truly it was sleep. I was tired and needed some good night rest immediately. My eyes were closed before I woke up to a screeching sound of the car as it tumbled down the side of the road into a slopy topography. Apparently, Philip lost control of the steering and ran into the curb. He was unconscious by now. His face was the last thing I looked at as I blacked out too.

I woke up in the hospital and I screamed "Where's Philip?"
"If Philip is the young man you were in the car with, he is in the ICU but his health is stable", A nurse who was attending to me replied.
She continued "It's a miracle you both are alive as the car is damaged beyond repairs". 
But only I knew that Philip's drunk driving got us here and not home.

Philip died two days later and I still smile at the thought of him saying "Jude, I drive people crazy"

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