My Dying Mother 😭

22 Apr 2024

The light in her eyes grows dim,
Her breath grows shallow and weak.
The vibrant life that once filled her
Now slowly begins to leak.

Her hands, once strong and steady,
Now tremble with each passing day.
The vigor that once defined her
Is gently slipping away.

I sit by her bedside, holding her hand,
Watching the struggle within.
My heart aches to see her suffering,
This battle she cannot win.

I whisper words of comfort,
Though I know they bring little relief.
The inevitable march of time
Fills me with profound grief.

As the final light begins to fade,
I hold her close, my tears falling free.
My beloved mother, my guiding light,
Is returning to eternity.

The vibrant woman I once knew
Is fading, day by day.
The mother I've always adored
Is slowly slipping away.

Her eyes, once bright and full of life,
Now hold a distant gaze.
Her voice, once strong and full of joy,
Is quieter, filled with haze.

I sit beside her hospital bed,
Holding her frail hand.
Watching as the illness consumes
The one I can't understand.

The mother who raised me with love,
Who guided me through strife,
Is now dependent on machines
To sustain her fragile life.

I long to turn back the clock,
To have her healthy once more.
But time marches on, unforgiving,
As I stand helpless at death's door.

Each moment I spend by her side
Is precious, yet tinged with pain.
For I know that soon she'll be gone,
And my world will never be the same.

This poem captures the bittersweet emotions of watching a beloved mother slowly succumb to the inevitable. It conveys the sadness, the sense of helplessness, and the profound loss felt during this difficult time. The imagery of the fading light and the weakening physical state paint a poignant picture of the dying process. Through it all, the speaker's love and devotion shine through, making this a touching tribute to a mother's life.

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