
What IF?: World Collapse

2 Mar 2023

Design by Ig0rZh

We live in a world where anything can happen. We plan our lives hoping for success and security, but what if something unthinkable happened: a world collapse? The thought of the world collapsing is scary, but what would happen if it did?

Recent discoveries about Earth's tectonic plates and the hidden molten rock layer found beneath them have caused many to question whether our planet could be more unstable than previously thought.

What if the implications of this discovery could be catastrophic and cause us to rethink how we view the world?

The World as We Know It

What if? What if the world as we know it suddenly changed and collapsed? We could never have imagined the possibility of such a drastic shift in our society. But what would happen to us and our lifestyles if it did occur?

In a world collapse, there would be a global economic crisis, environmental issues like rising ocean levels, resource scarcity, and political conflict.

MIT Has Predicted that Society Will Collapse in 2040

People would no longer enjoy access to necessities like food, water, and shelter. These environmental changes would also drastically alter our daily lives- transportation, communication, and education.

Our well-being as individuals and as a species ultimately relies on the well-being of our planet. Various catastrophic scenarios are possible if human activity continues to damage Mother Nature.

Earth's Tectonic Plates

Earth's tectonic plates move and shape the planet in many unique ways. For example, scientists have recently begun detecting a molten rock layer hidden beneath Earth's surface.

This discovery provides insight into the interior of our planet, which allows us to understand better how tectonic plates move and interact with each other.

Scientists Find Strange, Unidentified Structure Hidden Under Earth's

The molten rock layer was found at an average depth of 100 miles (161 kilometers) below the Earth's surface.

Scientists could detect its presence due to the seismic waves generated by earthquakes worldwide, enabling them to map out features within the layer.

Hidden molten rock layer found beneath Earth's tectonic plates

The molten rock exists between two other layers: the outermost lithosphere and the innermost core.

Research indicates that this layer plays a vital role in creating movement between tectonic plates on Earth's surface, as it is relatively weak compared to other layers above and below.

Moon Drifting Away

Scientists have been researching the relationship between Earth and its only natural satellite, the Moon, for decades.

Recently, they've made a startling discovery – the Moon is gradually drifting away from Earth at a rate of 3.8 cm per year.

Earth Is Losing the Moon, and There's No Going Back

This phenomenon is caused by gravitational forces acting on both bodies. For example, as our planet spins, it creates an uneven gravitational pull that causes the ocean tides to rise and fall.

Major Weather, Climate Impacts Await Earth As the Moon Slowly Drifts Away

This tidal force also applies to other large objects, such as the Moon, creating a slight acceleration in its orbital motion away from Earth over time.

This gradual drift has occurred since its formation 4 billion years ago and continues today without interruption.

Climate Change

With temperatures rising and sea levels rising, it is clear that the environmental consequences of climate change are being felt worldwide.

As greenhouse gases accumulate in our atmosphere, many areas are beginning to experience persistent droughts and flooding, resulting in decreased crop yields and food shortages.

See what three degrees of global warming looks like

Melting glaciers have caused sea levels to rise alarmingly, threatening coastal communities with severe weather events like hurricanes and floods.

These changes also threaten biodiversity as habitats are destroyed by changing climates, and species struggle to migrate or adapt faster than they can survive.

Is sea level rising? - NOAA's National Ocean Service

The impacts of climate change go beyond just environmental consequences; human society is at risk if we continue on this path of destruction.

Resources Scarcity

Resource depletion is an increasing concern as the world's population grows and resources become more scarce.

Resource scarcity, or the limited availability of a resource to its demand, can have far-reaching implications for society. It can cause economic disruption, environmental degradation, and political unrest throughout nations.

Impacts of Climate Change, Resource Scarcity and Foreign Policy

The causes of resource depletion vary from natural occurrences, such as climate change or overpopulation, to human activities, like deforestation and overconsumption.

Many resources are finite, so there is no way to replace them once used up - including fossil fuels and minerals mined from the Earth.

Other resources, such as water, may be renewable but, if not managed sustainably, could still face shortages due to increased demand or decreased supply through pollution.

Final Thought

The world as we know it today is not guaranteed to last forever. Although a complete collapse of the global system is unlikely, it is crucial to understand the potential impacts if something catastrophic occurs.

We have the power and responsibility to ensure that our current society works for everyone and that we do our part to create a better future.

Investing in renewable energy sources, reforming our economic systems, and reducing inequality are all essential steps toward a more sustainable future.


Author Note:

I'm excited to announce my third post and the relaunch of my "What if?" series, which I will publish exclusively in @BULB Official.

This series will explore the intriguing questions and possibilities in our world. I aim to spark conversations and inspire readers with thought-provoking topics.

What IF? is a series of articles exploring the realm of possibility – theories, ideas, and questions without definitive answers.

Thank you to everyone who commented on my series! 💡 😎 

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