Leslie Pt. 3

19 Dec 2022

What will I write today?

I told Leslie how I felt, and she told me she felt the same. that was the happiest moment of my life until I realized it was not so. Follow me, I promise I'll explain.

For the next few weeks, I did everything to make her happy. I am a great listener, so it did not take me a week to realize she was not over him. Every second she had, she spoke about memories with him. I was lost sometimes, was it not the same man who beat her?

I had to break up, and I told her to decide if she wanted me back or not, eventually, she chose me, and it felt good to be that important to someone.

For a minute.

I left angrily after I discovered she and Jason were texting again, and it seemed she wanted that to happen, so I let her be. A year later, I get a call from her Roommate.

"Leslie is dead, He finally killed her," she said, crying.

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