Supra token airdrop - maliyetsiz katılım basit görevler rehberi

21 Jan 2024

Bugün konumuz $supra
Bu airdrop oldukça popüler. Bloglarda anlatımlar gördüm ama daha detaylı bir makale hazırlamak istedim. Sizde bu sıfır maliyetli bir proje olduğu için katılmanızı tavsiye ederim. Konuyu uzatmadan tanıtım ve görevlere geçelim..

Parnetleri arasında Coinbase ,Binance ,Mastercard, İnjective gibi önemli isimler olan Supra, üye olup KYC yapanlara 450 Supra token ve 25 yıldız veriyor. 25 Ekim'de yapılan ön satışı 0.048'den yaptı ve yaklaşık 3.6M dolar değerinde satış yaptı, hedefleri 2.4M dolardı. Şuan 37 görev var, kayıt olup başlayabilirsiniz. Ayrıca siteyi kurcaladığınızda her gün scan yapıp bir NFT koleksiyonu tamamlamaya çalışacaksınız. Supra'dan beklenti yüksek.
Katılım için: SUPRA

Yapmanız gerekenler:

  • Ref ile Kayıt olup KYC yapmak. Böylelikle hem yıldız hem de token alacaksınız. Başta 450 token veriyor. Listeleme geldiğinde 1 dolar etse 450 dolar gibi ücretsiz bir kazanç fakat tabii ki ne kadar edeceğini garantisi yok.
  • Ek kazanç için soruları cevaplamak gerek tüm soruların yanıtları aşağıda var. Muhtemel olarak 2-3 soru daha gelir ve artık biter son şanslar kısaca. Soruları cevapladıkça yıldız kazanıyorsunuz.
  • Bir diğeri günlük kırmızı butona tıklamak. Oradan çıkanların da iş görebileceğini düşünüyorum.

  • Son olarak kendileri dönemsel çekilişler yapıyor. Telefon token vs gibi mutlaka denk geldikçe katılmanızı öneririm. Şuan Toyota Supra araba ve Hipersürücü Hediyesi çekilişleri mevcut.

Görevlerin cevaplarını aşağıya yazıyorum.

Mission 1
Question 1: What kind of data do oracles help smart contracts access on the blockchain?
Answer:- All of the above

Question 2: How much value was stolen from bridges in 2022 alone?
Answer:- Over $2 billion USD

Mission 2
Question:- Which of the following is NOT true about Supra compared to other oracles?
Answer:- Supra’s performance and security are at par with other oracles

Mission 3
Question:- Can nodes reverse transaction finality before they’re written on Supra?
Answer:- Blocks on Supra cannot be reversed after they are finalized

Mission 4
Question:- What is Supra’s security method that delivers better Oracle decentralization, scalability, and performance?
Answer:- Tribes and clans randomization method

Mission 5
Question:- Which NFTs in the metaverse need Supra’s speed, accuracy, and fast finality to change with real world events?
Answer:- Dynamic NFTs

Mission 6
Question:- Which of the following is responsible for keeping DORA secure and consistently blazing fast?
Answer:- All of the above

Mission 7
Question:- What is the Tick-Start protocol of DORA?
Answer:- A method to start a new round of agreement without waiting for earlier rounds to finish.

Mission 8
Question:- What is the purpose of agreement distance in DORA?
Answer:- To ensure accuracy in the final result.

Mission 9
Question:- How do Supra’s price feeds make DeFi better?
Answer:- All of the above

Mission 10
Question:- Who does cross-chain interoperability help?
Answer:- All of the above

Mission 11
Question:- What are the three key characteristics of good randomness for Web3?
Answer:- Unpredictable, unbiased, verifiable

Mission 12
Question:- How does Supra VRF achieve a decentralized process?
Answer:- By utilizing a threshold signature generated by a randomized VRF committee

Mission 13
Question:- Which of the following is true about the impact of Supra VRF on Web3 gaming?
Answer:- Ensuring fair and unpredictable outcomes

Mission 14
Question:- What is the purpose of randomization in DORA?
Answer:- It secures the protocol from manipulation

Mission 15
Question:- How much discount does SNAP offer dApps for the first 6 months?
Answer:- 100% off

Mission 16
Question:- Which projects can be referred by SNAP Affiliates?
Answer:- Any project on available networks

Mission 17
Question:- What are bridges used for?
Answer:- To move between two unique blockchains

Mission 18
Question:- Where does HyperNova’s cross-chain bridgeless technology get its security from?
Answer:- The cryptographic proofs of the origin chain’s consensus as well as Supra’s consensus

Mission 19
Question:- How does Supra HyperNova benefit DeFi traders in cross-chain scenarios?
Answer:- By preserving the security guarantees of the source chain

Mission 20
Question:- How does Supra’s HyperNova transform Web3?
Answer:- By cryptographically connecting blockchains and their communities across Web3

Mission 21
Question:- How does the $SUPRA token encourage long-term user loyalty?
Answer:- It rewards loyalty with discounted access to network services

Mission 22
Question:- How does the $SUPRA token extend its utility beyond its native network?
Answer:- By integrating with 40+ different blockchain networks and counting.

Mission 23
Question:- Why is tokenomics important in blockchain projects?
Answer:- It helps align incentives, promote participation, and foster decentralization

Mission 24
Question:- What is the benefit for Blast Off players in this token sale?
Answer:- They get to skip verification and KYC steps during the public sale

Mission 25
Question:- How does Moonshot’s rapid block finality and increased throughput benefit various use cases on the blockchain?
Answer:- It improves performance across all blockchain use cases it reaches. Supra Missions Quiz

Mission 26
Question:- What is the Moonshot consensus improvement over the current leading consensus mechanism?
Answer:- It’s 40% faster in finality latency and 54% better in block throughput

Mission 27
Question:- How does the Supra Network manage its node groups’ involvement in different services?
Answer:- Randomly assign and regularly reshuffle nodes in sub-committees

Mission 28
Question:- Which term is used to describe Supra’s bridgeless cross-chain communication capabilities?
Answer:- HyperNova

Mission 29
Question:- What role do liquidity pools play in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space?
Answer:- Facilitate trade and exchange of cryptocurrencies and digital assets

Mission 30
Question:- Why are pre-existing liquidity pools stranded on their blockchains?
Answer:- Because they have no native way to reach other blockchains

Mission 31
Question:- What will be the primary focus of Supra’s Cross-chain Liquidity Network?
Answer:- Opening DeFi doors across all chains. Supra Missions Quiz

Mission 32
Question:- What risk do liquidity providers face in the current state of isolated DeFi markets?
Answer:- Impermanence loss for liquidity providers

Mission 33
Question:- In traditional proof-of-work blockchains, who has the opportunity to extract value from liquidation events?
Answer:- Miners

Mission 34
Question:- What does OEV stand for in the context of the mission?
Answer:- Oracle Extractable Value

Mission 35
Question:- Why did the concept of Automated Market Makers (AMMs) emerge in the world of Web3?
Answer:- To eliminate the need for a centralized matching agent

Mission 36 
Question: What is the key impact of Supra’s DFMM on DeFi?
Answer: Makes DeFi more user friendly and boost adoption

Question: Where does DFMM get it’s price information from?
Answer: Supra Oracles and a decentralized virtual order book

Question: What AMM problems does Supra’s DFMM solve?
Answer: High slippage and impermanence loss of AMMs

Mission 37 
Question: How does the integration of cross-chain liquidity networks and oracles within Supra’s DFMM create a major shift in DeFi?
Answer: – It lays the foundation for an enshrined cross-chain Decentralized Exchange

Not: Mission'lara bazen yeni sorular eklenebiliyor, soruların yerleri değişebiliyor. Yabancı bir kaynaktan da (adres) yeni soru ve cevapları takip edip görevleri yapabilirsiniz.

Bu tür airdrop konuları, teknik analiz araçları, eğitimleri veya indikatörler ilgilinizi çekiyorsa borsarazzi bloguna göz atmanızı tavsiye ederim..

Makalemi beğendiyseniz bana destek olmak için etkileşimde bulunabilirsiniz,
$Ice ilgili sorularınızı yorumlar kısmından bana iletebilirsiniz.
Daha faklı airdroplar öğrenmek isterseniz yayınlarımı takip edebilirsiniz.

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