The Concept of Sociology of Literature and Historical Process

19 Jan 2024

That literature is not a self-sufficient branch of art born in society, but a narrative of society the sociology of literature, which is also referred to by the name of sociological criticism based on its thought, found its place in Europe in the nineteenth century and in Turkey after the twentieth century (Tüzer, 2019, p. 29) . Literature, previously known as the occupation of the aristocracy (Escarpit R. , 1993, p. 8) the importance attributed to causality, the rise of positivism in the century and the increase in the respectability of scientific studies, which caused it to be seen differently with the influence of realism, accelerated the work of literary sociology (Tüzer, 2019, p. 29) .

The idea of revealing the nature of literary works is to find its meaning in the history of literature; revealing the meaning of social conditions is made possible by sociology as a scientific basis it has been possible to come. It can be said that “the dynamic basis from sociology is the social basis in the household of literature it adds a meaning to the literary text that passes through the system of kneading and literary rules” and accordingly 19.the sociology of literature, founded in the century, reveals the mutual interaction of literature and society. (Aydin, 2009, p. 359-360).

In another aspect, the sociology of literature is trying to establish the connection that literature establishes with society based on the work of the author who lives in society, the world of the writer and those who read he tries to illuminate (Çelik, 2013, p. 59) . According to Robert Escarpit, a person who experiences a late birth becomes systemic the sociology of literature, which took a long time to arrive, but “literary critics and historians are specific acting from literature as a reality, using current sociological methods, sociological it began to appear when they tried to find answers to problems” (Escarpit R. , 2006, p. 87).

Leo in Köksal Alver's book, in which he brings together texts related to the discipline of literary sociology, Dec. In Lowenthal's text "On the Sociology of Literature", Lowenthal described the sociology of literature as his task is to “analyze the experiences of imaginary characters with the special historical climate in which they originated to relate and to turn literary interpretation into a branch of the sociology of knowledge” (Lowenthal, 2006, s. 87) says that it is. For the task of the sociology of literature, in a sense, with individual creation, this is to establish a connection between the historical conditions responsible for creation Decahare creation in a scientific field it can be called trying to solve it. Thus, literature as a branch of art is scientific in the field of sociology it becomes possible to study with methods.

The Deceleration of literary sociology studies between the development of sociology in the nineteenth century the parallelism is seen. However, even before sociological studies were carried out, literature and society in particular a number of studies have been carried out. Considering the first studies about society, Giambattista Vico's a new Scientific work called “Scienza Nuova”, published in 1725, is put forward. In this study, Vico in this book, he emphasized that the man who creates social conditions is not God, but man. “This is only Not from the historical studies of Vico's time, but from many who had an organic and multi-fold relationship with society for example, based on the language, myths, folklore and the state of the economy of that society, we consider he will be able to be taken” (Şan, 2006, p. 130) . A society in which human beings are responsible for the values and creation of society the idea that its institutions can be explained not by god-centered thinking but by material conditions it can be called an important work in terms of consideration.

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