"The Art of Delay"

2 May 2024

In twisted tales of time management, A villain lurks, a sly enchantment, Procrastination, a wily foe, Lures us in with a gentle glow. With whispers sweet, it beckons near, "Tomorrow's fine, don't rush or fear," It weaves a web of idle delight, A snare of ease, a peaceful night. But as we linger, lost in its sway, Deadlines loom, and tasks decay, The weight of guilt begins to bear, And anxiety takes its share. The hours tick on, the days go by, And still we wait, and wonder why, We can't resist the siren's call, To put off until another fall. But deep inside, a voice does cry, "Arise, take charge, don't ask me why," For time is fleeting, swift as sand, And opportunities lost, cannot be regained by hand. So let us rise, and shake off the spell, That binds us to this idle hell, Let purpose drive, and passion lead, And may our goals, no longer be delayed. For in the end, it's not the task, That's hard to do, but the starting ask, So let us start, and take the leap, And may our dreams, no longer sleep. Note: This poem explores the concept of procrastination, personifying it as a sly and enchanting foe that lures us in with promises of ease and delay. The poem delves into the consequences of procrastination, including guilt, anxiety, and lost opportunities, before urging the reader to break free from its spell and take action towards their goals.

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