John Deaton is running for senator against Elizabeth Warren

21 Feb 2024

John Deaton lawyer, US Marine veteran, defender of cryptocurrencies is running for senator in the state of Massachusetts. He is the challenger to Elizabeth Warren.

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John Deaton, a renowned attorney and managing partner at Deaton Law Firm, has made a significant impact in the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry. With a diverse background in law spanning over two decades, Deaton has become a prominent figure, advocating for the rights of investors and promoting the understanding and adoption of digital assets. This article will explore John Deaton's professional journey, his contributions to the cryptocurrency space, and his influence on shaping the future of this rapidly evolving field.

John Deaton is running for senator for the Republican party. To run for this position John Deaton moved to the state of Massachusetts. Perhaps his goal is to face the biggest opponent of cryptocurrencies and CBDC supporter Elizabeth Warren.

Source of image CoinDesk

Elizabeth Warren's reaction was immediate. As soon as John Deaton's candidacy was confirmed she sent e-mails to her sponsors asking for financial support. Alleging in it that Donald Trump and MAGA do not have a suitable candidate in the state of Massachusetts so they nominated John Deaton by moving him to that state.

Elizabeth Warren also made the same allegations on the X platform. In a February 20 post, she wrote:

"Apparently, the MAGA Republican machine couldn’t find a single Republican in Massachusetts to run against me—so they brought in someone from Rhode Island who will have the backing of the GOP and special interest groups."

John Deaton did not leave it unanswered:

"Senator, no one recruited me and I’m looking forward to a substantive discussion on the issues that are important to the good people of Massachusetts, like income inequality, inflation, housing costs, illegal immigration, the debt crisis, and veterans’ services."

Reading the comments under this post shows that Senator Warren has reason to be concerned about the candidacy of John Deaton. Here are some of the comments:

The crypto community is very pleased with the candidacy of John Deaton, who has long supported the XRP Army. Brad Garlinghouse also mentioned John Deaton's candidacy for senator as something positive not only for XRP but for the entire cryptocurrency industry.

John Deaton's candidacy raises many hopes in an industry battered by the SEC. It is hoped that it will force a debate on the role of Gary Gensler and the SEC in efforts to combat currencies that compete with those issued by the Central Bank.

While Elizabeth Warren apparently fears her new rival, John Deaton is promoting his campaign with a slogan:


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