POAP: Proof of Attendance Protocol

25 Aug 2023

POAP stands for Proof of Attendance Protocol. It is a way to mint NFTs as a proof that someone attended an event, whether virtual or in-person. POAP NFTs serve as digital collectibles and mementos that capture memories and participation in conferences, meetups, hackathons, and other events.

How POAP Works

The POAP protocol allows event organizers to create a smart contract that mints NFTs and distribute them to attendees. The NFTs contain metadata that provides details about the event like the name, date, location, and a unique identifier that proves attendance.

To claim a POAP NFT, attendees simply need to connect their crypto wallet to the event's POAP app or website. Once connected, the smart contract automates the minting and transferring of the NFT to the attendee's wallet. The whole process takes seconds and all the recipient has to do is click to connect their wallet.

POAP NFTs live on the recipient's wallet forever like any other NFT. They serve as verifiable evidence that the wallet owner participated in that particular event. The decentralized and transparent nature of blockchain technology gives POAPs an authenticity that traditional paper certificates lack.

Unlike most NFT projects, POAPs are not bought or sold. They are free collectibles distributed by event organizers to engage with attendees in a web3 native way.
Benefits of POAP NFTs

Here are some of the key benefits of POAP NFTs:

  • Verifiable attendance - POAPs provide authenticated digital proof that someone participated in an event, unlike paper tickets which can be forged.
  • Scarcity and exclusivity - Each event gets its own POAP NFT. Their limited minting makes them exclusive collectibles.
  • Building community - POAPs engage attendees and help foster an event's community before, during, and after.
  • Gamification - Collecting rare and unique POAPs from events is fun and addictive for some people.
  • Marketing and promotion - POAPs spread brand awareness and social proof as attendees show off and share their event NFTs.
  • Networking and connections - POAP holders can connect with each other by proving they were at the same event.
  • Personal mementos - POAPs serve as digital souvenirs reminding holders of memories and experiences from the event.
  • Rewards and utility - Some POAPs unlock special perks like discounted event tickets, merch, community access, and more utility.
  • Tradeable collectibles - While not bought/sold, some POAPs gain value on secondary NFT markets for their scarcity.

How to Claim Your POAP

If you attend an event distributing POAP NFTs, here are the basic steps to claim yours:

  1. Get the POAP app link or site from the event organizers. This is usually shared via email, social media, or on the event website.
  2. Click the POAP link on mobile or desktop and connect your crypto wallet like Metamask. Make sure to use the wallet you want the POAP sent to.
  3. The POAP app will ask you to sign a transaction confirming the minting and transfer of the NFT to your wallet. Double check that the contract address matches the event.
  4. Sign the transaction request and wait a few seconds for the NFT to be minted on-chain. No gas fees are needed.
  5. Once sent, you should see the new POAP NFT in your wallet's NFT collection.

That's it! The POAP is now yours to keep, show off, and add to your NFT collection. Make sure not to delete the wallet you use to claim POAPs so you don't lose them.

Where to Find POAP NFT Events

Wondering where you can find events giving out POAP NFTs? Here are some places to look:

  • Event websites and marketing - Organizers will promote if they are giving POAPs.
  • POAP.xyz - Official site listing upcoming POAP distributions.
  • Dune Analytics - Tracks POAP metrics and events distributing them.
  • Twitter and Discord - Follow POAP accounts and event hashtags.
  • Subscribe to email newsletters - For conferences/events you plan to attend.
  • POAP subreddit - Community shares new POAP opportunities.
  • NFT Calendar sites - List major NFT events and POAP drops.
  • Meetup.com - Find local blockchain/crypto meetups giving POAPs.

The POAP ecosystem is growing rapidly as more organizers adopt them for events. Following POAP social accounts and community channels is the best way to stay on top of new NFT drop opportunities.

Rare and Valuable POAP NFTs

While POAPs are free, some become valuable on NFT marketplaces due to their scarcity and significance. Here are some of the rarest and most expensive POAP NFT sales:

  • ETHDenver 2019 - First ever POAP NFT. Sold for 100 ETH (~$100,000).
  • ETH CC 2019 - Original Ethereum community conference POAP. Sold for 60 ETH.
  • ETHWaterloo 2019 - Early ETH hackathon POAP. Sold for 25 ETH.
  • Devcon Osaka 2019 - Official Ethereum Devcon POAP. Sold for 10 ETH.
  • Bitcoin 2021 Conference - Iconic Bitcoin Miami conference POAP. Sold for 4 ETH.
  • MetaMask Mega Masks - Ultra rare MetaMask POAP. Sold for 1.69 ETH.

As POAPs become more mainstream, the value of early originals from top events continues rising. However, the vast majority of POAP NFTs have little resale value, as their main utility is proving attendance.

How Organizers Can Give Out POAP NFTs

If you are hosting an event and want to distribute POAPs, here is a quick guide:

  1. Go to app.poap.xyz and connect your wallet to create a POAP app for your event.
  2. Customize the POAP's metadata - name, image, date, location etc. Mint as many POAP NFTs as you need.
  3. Airdrop the POAPs to your event's attendee list by integrating with ticketing platforms.
  4. Share the POAP app link via email, social media, and on your event's website.
  5. Attendees click the link to connect their wallet and receive the POAP.

POAP apps can be embedded into websites to make claiming easy right from an event's homepage. Organizers can also print QR codes that point to the POAP app.

POAP provides analytics to track how many NFTs are claimed vs total minted. Contact POAP about distributing POAPs for your next event!

Disadvantages and Criticisms

While POAP NFTs provide some clear benefits, there are also some downsides and criticisms to consider:

  • No resale value: Most POAP NFTs have zero aftermarket value, unlike other NFT projects.
  • Lack of utility: Many POAPs are simply collectibles with minimal real-world utility or perks.
  • Distribution issues: Technical problems during POAP distributions can prevent attendees from claiming theirs.
  • Dilution over time: As more events adopt POAPs, their exclusivity and novelty may diminish.
  • Taxing on blockchain: POAP distributions can congest blockchains like Ethereum with transactions.
  • Excessive marketing: Some critics believe POAPs are an unneeded marketing gimmick for events.
  • Cost for organizers: Paying gas fees to mint and airdrop POAP NFTs costs event organizers money.
  • Confusing for newcomers: Those new to crypto may not understand POAPs or how to claim them.
  • Limited audience: POAPs exclude non-crypto natives who don't use blockchain wallets yet.

While POAPs provide some innovative benefits, organizers should weigh the costs and limitations before distributing them. As with any new technology, POAPs will continue evolving over time as challenges get addressed.

POAP NFTs offer an exciting new paradigm for event engagement, marketing, networking, and collecting mementos. But they also represent a shift towards web3 experiences that may take time for mainstream adoption.

As the POAP ecosystem matures, expect to see more sophisticated utility, dynamic NFT designs, and seamless attendee integration. With 75% of POAP NFTs claimed already, the momentum is clearly growing.

Whether you are collecting POAPs or distributing them, understanding the protocol's possibilities and limitations is key. Used thoughtfully, POAPs can deepen conference connections well beyond in-person experiences.

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